Well its been about a month since we took possession and we've been doing our best to get out on the
water as much as possible. We've had the standing
rigging replaced which has taken a bit longer than expected as 6 of the 8 turn buckles were seized and needed to be cut. We're waiting on just the back stay now as the rigger had received the wrong part so that will get finalised next week. We are also waiting on the new headsail as the old one looked like a ghost sail out of a Pirates of the
Caribbean movie that ripped apart when we opened her up after taking possession. We had assumed it needed replacing anyways and had factored that into our offer. That should be delivered in a few days time (and also two weeks past the estimated
delivery time). We aren't operating on a tight schedule so there's no drama.
Those big jobs aside, I was hoping to wait to replace the thruhulls after the summer season here but already one of the forward
head thruhulls doesnt seem to close properly and another in the aft
head looks dodgy so I will be hauling out to replace those next month. She'll get a fresh bottom done too and I've also organised all the materials and tools I need to polish the top sides. I've opted again the
hull wrap at this time so as to save
money because I may need some expert help to service/replace the lower bearing in the
rudder as well as service/replace the stern bearing on the prop shaft.
I've got a bunch of photos on my
phone that I will need to transfer to my
laptop so that I might share the journey visually and I hope to get to that before my
haul out. Loving every bit so far, even knowing we have a lot of cash sinks in our future.