boats are pretty interesting to me. I'm writing this because one has become available in our marina... she needs
work but will therefore be pretty
cheap. Bristol versions go fo anywhere from 45,000 to 60,000 so for someone who can do the
work this might be a good deal. I am not doing this to make any
money I just want her to getr back on the
water and help keep her out of the crusher, which happens way too often around here.
I first heard of these from reading Royce's Sailing illustrated where he said that they a great layout and were really easy to live in. I have since seen a couple of them and they really are lovely inside with a wonderful, out of the way
galley (the originals boasted both ac and dc
refrigeration and on one I visited last year the
refrigeration was still working fine) that is well done for work in a seaway and there is a lot of good berth space and stowage. They are not particularly fast but they will steer themselves very easily. They are ply sheathed in glass so need looking after and there have been a couple of cases of
rot from the cap rail down. A friend of mine ran into a
Beneteau owner who was lamenting that he had ever traded up from his. I will try to scare up some pics. There is no owner's association but the owners of the three I have visited were very proud of their
boats and it showed in how well they were cared for.
Please send me a PM if you are curious. I can give you the good bad and ugly on this Newporter which is a
cutter rigged