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Old 16-12-2015, 22:15   #181
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

Originally Posted by Mirage Gecko View Post
Include Multis
Start a second race before or after
Change the rules of running motors,number of crew etc etc
Just enjoy it for what it is.
Or run a pirate race starting on Sydney Harbour from a different yacht club for multis. Could start an hour later. Fun to watch them catch up and then pass the mono's.
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Old 16-12-2015, 22:17   #182
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

Originally Posted by GoingWalkabout View Post
Or run a pirate race starting on Sydney Harbour from a different yacht club for multis. Could start an hour later. Fun to watch them catch up and then pass the mono's.

My suspicion is they will struggle in bad weather it would certainly be an interesting result.
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Old 16-12-2015, 23:46   #183
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

Originally Posted by Rustic Charm View Post
My suspicion is they will struggle in bad weather it would certainly be an interesting result.
I tend to agree however they should definitely be allowed to participate, multihulls are and have been a part of the boating scene for a very long time and should be recognized as part of the mainstream.
Rob aka Uncle Bob Sydney Australia.

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Old 17-12-2015, 01:25   #184
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

Originally Posted by Rustic Charm View Post
Well, that's your definition, but few, and especially few 'authorities' organising races would agree with your 'reasonable' idea of a definition. In fact, I think you will struggle to find a link that supports your definition.

And your chart on litigation showing the US as the most litigious country in the world is not correct I'd suggest. Germany is number one. Australia I think ranks around 15 or something. The USA is about fifth.

doeLegal Journal: Global Litigation Rates: The US is Not the Leader
Its not my chart, its from a peer reviewed paper published by harvard. Read the paper, The point being that NSW is not the most litigious place in the world.
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Old 17-12-2015, 01:48   #185
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

Originally Posted by Factor View Post
Its not my chart, its from a peer reviewed paper published by harvard. Read the paper, The point being that NSW is not the most litigious place in the world.
Yeah, sorry I was referring to Left brain stuff, and I should have read the paper
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Old 17-12-2015, 05:23   #186
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

Originally Posted by Rustic Charm View Post
I'm conscious that the big 'maxi's' bring the spectators and media interest. Just look at the fact that the nightly coverages on tv deminishes once the maxi's finish and from then on it's just news reports in news segments. Really quite pathetic.

And whilst the cruising boats have to start behind the bigger racers, there is no reason why they can't start on the same day. Sydney Harbour is big enough. Even if they limit spectator craft.
Yes but I believe you are not seeing what I mean: If you join an amateur race with slow boats with a top race with professional crews and fast and spectacular big boats it is obvious that the public and press interest is going to focus on the spectacular boats.

If you have a separated amateur race with a much bigger number of boats the press will focus not on the boats themselves but on the human side of the race, an affordable race to all but that nonetheless is a tough one.

It will focus on the many problems amateur sailors will have doing that race, it will focus on smaller and older boats doing the race. It will focus on families doing the race, old people doing the race and of course also on particularly good performances on the race.

That will also contribute to increase the number of boats participating and regarding public interest, numbers are part of the interest. Interesting human stories too, particularly in what regards to overcome big difficulties and a S2H for amateur racers on small cruising boats is not an easy thing to do, at least it was not in many editions.
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Old 17-12-2015, 05:27   #187
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

Originally Posted by Mirage Gecko View Post
Include Multis
Start a second race before or after
Change the rules of running motors,number of crew etc etc
Just enjoy it for what it is.
We can enjoy it and desire changes to enjoy it even more
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Old 17-12-2015, 05:33   #188
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

Originally Posted by GoingWalkabout View Post
Or run a pirate race starting on Sydney Harbour from a different yacht club for multis. Could start an hour later. Fun to watch them catch up and then pass the mono's.
You can do that without being a pirate race, even if not just some hours after or before, due to lack of place on Hobart port, assuming that you can get a decent fleet of multis to do the race.

Why not, some days after or some days before? Why is not that done yet, giving the big number of cat owners that want to do a S2H?

That would surely contribute to make pressure for a future inclusion of the multihulls on a single S2H race, or two, with all racing boats on one and all the cruisers and performance cruisers on another.

Or they are really not so many and the number is not big enough to make any meaningful race? and have to join the monos make a decent race, I mean with an interesting number of boats competing?

As I have stated already, I would like to see Multihulls racing on the S2H race as it is, but if they are not allowed why do they not make another S2H race, an official one for Multihulls? and just to piss the guys from the actual one, why not a mixed one, with multihulls and monohulls. Who knows, with time it may even become the main S2H, if it is a more interesting one.
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Old 17-12-2015, 09:25   #189
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

and while we wait the few hours for the race start my favorite images from the 2013 edition, curiously with smaller boats on big waves. If Rustic does not know them he is going to like them:
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Old 17-12-2015, 13:28   #190
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

Originally Posted by Polux View Post
, due to lack of place on Hobart port,
I dunno where that one came from, plenty of space in Hobart, maybe not at constitution dock, but the entire hobart fleet couldn't park at one time now. Anyway if big tris were in the race they would have no trouble getting dock space, they would be the first boats there.
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Old 17-12-2015, 13:40   #191
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

Originally Posted by Rustic Charm View Post
My suspicion is they will struggle in bad weather it would certainly be an interesting result.
Maybe. This isn't real bad, waves don't look so big, but bear in mind the boat is 100 feet long.

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Old 17-12-2015, 14:02   #192
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

Yep, bad weather multis can't handle Bass Strait, yadda yadda yadda. I have been across bass strait a few times, in fact many. I have never sailed across Drake passage but have crossed it by ship, and it was way rougher than any crossing I have ever experienced of Bass Strait. I mean what weather do people think they get at 55 degrees south, two tris are busily racing each other and the world record as we speak deep in the southern ocean, and they are going faster than wild oats has ever been, day in and day out.

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Old 20-12-2015, 22:39   #193
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

It's a fair way off just yet, but it's looking like the race is going to start in fresh northerlies, and cop a belting southerly change on the way south.,156.401,6
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Old 20-12-2015, 23:12   #194
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

Originally Posted by Polux View Post
Yes but I believe you are not seeing what I mean: If you join an amateur race with slow boats with a top race with professional crews and fast and spectacular big boats it is obvious that the public and press interest is going to focus on the spectacular boats.

If you have a separated amateur race with a much bigger number of boats the press will focus not on the boats themselves but on the human side of the race, an affordable race to all but that nonetheless is a tough one.

It will focus on the many problems amateur sailors will have doing that race, it will focus on smaller and older boats doing the race. It will focus on families doing the race, old people doing the race and of course also on particularly good performances on the race.

That will also contribute to increase the number of boats participating and regarding public interest, numbers are part of the interest. Interesting human stories too, particularly in what regards to overcome big difficulties and a S2H for amateur racers on small cruising boats is not an easy thing to do, at least it was not in many editions.
For those who may be interested these things could be possible.
But and it is a huge but is the fact that sail boat racing in my opinion as an interest for the masses as a sport and in particular a spectator sport in Australia is very small.Of course it is a big deal to those who compete at all levels and to a lesser extent maybe those like me who don't but still love sail boats.
Sales and marketing drive TV and media so you only need to look at the ratings to see that the average bogan in Australia would rather be watching football,cricket or some inane cooking competition or even worse a home renovation competition.
The STH telecast pulls some big numbers on the ratings cause the media does actually talk about the battlers and the history as well as the big guns plus it is a public holiday and it gives people something else to watch while waiting for the test match to start.However I reckon you would be very hard pressed to find a backer for Televising an alternate or second string race at some other time.
It would be a bit like watching American football in Australia that is most of us know what it is but not how it works and even though it is actually televised
it is relegated to a second rate channel and during low rating weekday time slots so no one in this country needs to spend big bucks to get it on the box.
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Old 21-12-2015, 01:03   #195
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Re: Sydney To Hobart 2015-2016

There seem to be two events going on here: a media event for the maxis and a sailboat race for the rest of the fleet. The great unwashed may have a fleeting interest in the maxis, and could give less of a crap about t he sailboat race.

to me, it is a sad commentary that the big clubs that sponsor and put on the event(s) have allowed this to happen. It reeks of bread and circuses.

A further comment: while no one wants to see loss of life or property in a race, the requirements for participating have become so overwhelmingly complicated and expensive to meet that there are bloody few "regular sailors" involved any more. Those of us who regularly ply the very same waters manage without such oversight, as did most of the competitors before 1998's sad events. But then, we are not racers, and our sense of self preservation is still intact!!

Jim and Ann s/v Insatiable II, lying Port Cygnet Tasmania once again.
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