I am bit like Robert Cataeran, they wont let multis enter based on "tradition", but have no problem with canting keels and motors on all the time etc.
Still I am reminded of what the
Volvo designer [Juan Kouyoumdjian] said about the
Boats - words to the effect that canting
keel monos were just inefficient multis.
actual quote - From Sail magazine: "What is future of canting-ballast technology?" Juan Kouyoumdjian: "It depends on acceptance. I could argue that a canting-keel
monohull is a very inefficient
multihull. Imagine canting a
keel to leeward and instead of ballast you have air. You would achieve the same increase in righting moment in a ligter solution and in fact you get a
multihull. Our sailing community is divided, and choices are made on style or fashion; otherwise we'd all be sailing multihulls."