Originally Posted by mako
I assume you’re shipping them in from China. What laws in particular are challenging you? Also, if your boat is for export can you receive a dispensation for any taxes or import levies, or at least a refund upon export?
Yes, I am trying to ship from China. It seems like SkyPower who is the main distributor of Winston cells in Honk Kong is having issues finding anyone who would ship the cells to Turkey. I also got some info from a local freight forwarder that you have to be registered as a company here in Turkey to import
lithium batteries.
GWL.eu ships from
Europe they quoted me 1500 USD USP shipping
fees and told me that it will go only as far as
Istanbul, I would have to clear
customs myself and arrange to
delivery to my boat from
Istanbul. I am just not very comfortable going to
customs as I am not sure what might happen in there in-terms of other
lithium batteries "regulations". It seems like customs
fees for shipping anything to Turkey is 18% + 5% for other government-related fees.
You mentioned reclaiming TAX. Our boat is US-flagged and is under import laws in Turkey. How do you re-claim TAX, do you have experience with this?