I had some old
MaxSea routes I wanted to
import to
OpenCPN, so I created the attached perl script - which I thought may be useful to others.
These routes are from an old version of
MaxSea, I think version 10, so the script may or may not
work with other versions, or may require some tweaking. This will
work only for routes pasted into a text file from the
route center. I don't remember the exact export steps as this is from a vague memory, but there's a "Route Center" that brings up a spreadsheet-type view of all waypoints for a
route. Make sure all columns are visible from the menu, then click in the top-left corner of the table to select all rows. There should now be a menu option to copy it to the clipboard, then finally paste it into a text file.
Then, run the enclosed script (*nix):
$ ./max2open.pl <input >output.gpx
Or in windows, with perl in the path (I tried it with ActivePerl), something like this should work:
perl max2open.pl <input >output.gpx
(Rename file to max2open.pl. Sorry about having to masquerade as some other random extension, and .txt had a limit of 1000 bytes. Alternatively, you can fetch it from
This was a quick hack written to solve a specific problem. It is completely unsupported, use at your own risk, and probably has serious bugs, etc