Hi There,
I run
OpenCPN 3.3.1103 on windows8.
I did connect a
Garmin GPS 128 via a
serial adapter (FTDI) - dI properly receive all the
GPS data.
When I want to upload a
route (after having ticked the "use GRMN (Host) mode for Uploads) it ends with:
11:05:40: Changing
NMEA Datasource for GPGSA to
Serial:COM5 (Priority: 1)
11:06:11: EnumerateSerialPorts() Found
Garmin USB Driver.
11:07:29: LOGBOOK: 2014-04-13 09:07:29 UTC GPS Lat 43.37575 Lon 4.83142 COG 360.00000 SOG 0.00 kn
11:07:36: EnumerateSerialPorts() Found Garmin USB Driver.
11:07:39: Garmin GPS could not be initialized on port: COM5 USB Serial Port Error Code is -4
LastGarminError is: CreateFile failed
I am wondering why
OpenCPN searches (and finds) a Garmin USB driver).I have no idea what file it wants to create... so: HELP!
Greetings from the