Thanks for your feedback. I have some comments.
1. Deep/Safety/Shallow
depth parameters setting is coming in Version 1.2.4, due
next week. Not sure about conversion of meters to ft. Have to think on that...
2. ENC Reload time is too long. OpenCPN caches
charts internally to minimize
reloads. The caching parameters are build-time options. I'll look at optimizing them.
3. Chart selection. OK, this one is interesting. The chart selection bar with all its colored boxes represents a "chart stack", which is a list of all the
charts loaded containing the geographical point represented by the center of the displayed chart window. The charts are sorted by scale. Blue boxes are RNC, green are ENC.
OpenCPN does not "quilt", so exactly one chart is open at any one time. To help choose the chart you want, the chart is previewed in the corner of the
screen when the mouse is placed over any box. Click on a box, and that chart is loaded.
This all makes most sense when a
GPS is connected, and the "auto-follow" button is activated. In this case, OpenCPN finds the charts that are most interesting, i.e. those which contain your present position and areas nearby.
It is also useful to enable chart outlines in the tools dialog, and then select the largest scale chart, (the right-most box in the bar), and zoom out. Double-click on any point to re-center the chart.
Anyway, this is all intuitive to me, but of course it came out of my
head, so it should be, I guess. What could I do to make it more intuitive to you?
4. ENC Text. De-cluttering of ENC text is on the list for next release 1.2.4. I have
not seen any ENC program which scales the size of text as one zooms in and out.
Can you point me at one, so I can take a look at it and possibly implement something
similar? I don't think this feature is specified by the IMO S-52 ECDIS presentation
library standards.....
Thanks a lot for your input. It is really valuable to get new eyes on this thing as development proceeeds.