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Old 27-08-2016, 17:36   #1
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Professional therapy, motivational coach, or CF?

So while clearing the belongings from my house I have come across a box of books that came from my late father's collection. Among them, "Cruising in Saraffyn". Of course, finding myself inexplicably more attracted to distractions, rather than to getting on with the chores of liberating my life of useless material junk, I sit down to read.
I've only just read the introduction. Very, very, motivational! I recognize the often quoted passages, especially the "go small, go now." I don't disagree!
However, I notice the advice was given 50+ years ago! They met in 1964 while the boat was being built. So much has changed in world since then! So much has changed in what is economically feasible since then.
Or am I wrong? Please tell me I'm wrong! I'm currently waiting 5 more years because I'd like to continue to contribute to my retirement fund. Should I seek cognitive therapy to stop the negative loop of thoughts? Those thoughts include......
Will I be employable at 55+ to earn enough to not only top up the kitty but also afford the ultimate move back to land? Lynn even concedes that 70+ cruising is rare because of physical constraints and ailments. Could I even earn enough part time in today's economy to survive? Boat maintenance, insurance, food and excursions? To have an enjoyable lifestyle? Minimal, but enjoyable just the same. It doesn't take too much to make me happy but I don't envision beans and rice every night or forgoing a land excursion, due to poverty, enough leverage against being able to label myself a "cruiser". Would I eventually become a ward of the state?
Healthcare was way more affordable 50 years ago. If I'll need to work part of the year this means commuting to US waters (to be legally employed) or staying in US waters. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Health care is so much cheaper elsewhere, I know. But if I'll have to work, even part time, I'll be tethered to the US. And ultimately tethered to the outrageous health care system.
It seems to me that some forum members that work part time, or not at all started with great savings, planning, and are more advanced financially than I am at this point. I'm not knocking that at all! I am envious, but otherwise salute you! My question goes out to those of you that have cut ties that weren't quite so financially well off and were in your 50's trying to supplement your cruising?
So, if you've skipped over all of my droning on and on, of "my excuses" as Lynn labels them, then offer up some good solid arguments as to how I might plan an earlier departure. A visit to a financial planner is in store for me this year but putting that aside, I'm asking for more than just the cheerleaders and anecdotal quotes. Anecdotes don't take into account of possibly cosigning yourself to a life of poverty during your senior years. I'm asking for reality, a slap in the face. Either I've always been delusional and should modify my plans, or I'm making subconscious excuses that need some reckoning, or I need to compromise between the two.
I'd like to leave now. If you /we can collectively and creatively find/convince me, you/we could collectively convince others, in the spirit of Lynn and Larry's advice I ask you to bring it on! This is a mental thought challenge to you all!
Damn! Many of you make it seem so easy!
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Old 27-08-2016, 17:45   #2

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Re: Professional therapy, motivational coach, or CF?

It's simple.

Save as much money as you can for retirement. Invest safely but you have no choice but to invest.
You will get SS.
If you stay in states you will get medicare or can get someplace where it is.

Retire at 64 (which seems the usual point)

Go to mexxico or get a trailer in USA or both and snowbird between.

I am in same position but ahead of you. You will be employable since I know you are in healthcare profession. IT professionals have a tough break.

Eventually you will have to give up the cruisin life. Everyone does. Wait a minute. Werent u going to get a trawler?
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Old 27-08-2016, 18:08   #3
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Its all down to your mindset Gadagirl...
My serious cruising (overseas) started in '96.. was heading of in a Virgo Voyager 23 but met a lady.. we clicked and she wanted to come.. the boat was not big enough for both plus all the shoes and stuff she wanted to bring so upsized to a joint owned 30ftr and away we went.. 4yrs later saw us split up.. the boat sold and me renting in a caravan in a cold and snowy Coventry..
Had £20K in my account.. 2 m/bikes and a car.. arranged storage for the car and bikes then flew to the Caribe Dec 2000 and bought a Bene321.. which I ended up sailing back to the UK hoping to make a nice profit.. sadly I got rammed of the English coast and after the repairs (uninsured and only got 50% of damages) I just managed to get my money back.. flew to the States in '04 and bought a Hunter 37c.. again profit was the goal.. trouble was by the time I got back to the UK they'd started the CE malarkey and I did not have the £12K to get the CE.. so sold at a 50% loss.. project boat..
Followed up with a 2001 Bene 331 in '06.. $70K fitted out.. sailed her back to Europe and eventually back to the UK.. just in time for the Crash..
Long story short..
Ended up sailing away from the UK on a cold December day in '08 for Portugal on a 22ft Hurley worth £2.5K and £125 in my pocket.. no home or income..
Got to Portugal and started scratching a living.. got a delivery which started me on this life I now live.. its still scratching.. but now I've a pension.. only 500euro a month but.. it pays the important stuff.. marina, fags beer n food.. my occasional deliveries cover the rest.
Medical.. I pay cash.. Caribe.. 16 stitches + meds.. $80 in St Barts..
Broken ribs in Portugal.. 60euro.. x-rays and meds..
I kind go with the flow.. it'll be right on the night.
What about when I cant climb a 70ft mast you ask..
I'll worry about that then.. no point right now.. could get killed crossing the road tomorrow..

You can't beat a people up for 75 years and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
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But I cannot sell my birthright, nor am I prepared to sell the birthright of the people to be free." Nelson Mandela.
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Old 27-08-2016, 18:23   #4
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Re: Professional therapy, motivational coach, or CF?

Gadagirl, I can't offer you any path to certainty. I can't assure you everything will be alright. Those are Hollywood plots. Life doesn't come with those kinds of guarantees. I can share with you the choices currently made by me and my spouse. In summary, we're not cheerleading from the side.

We are living and cruising on our boat. It is not a tiny boat, but nor is it the size most people apparently need now days. It is a well-found boat, and it is fully ours. We have limited savings, and an ability to earn small amounts of income. Neither of us are able to collect any pensions, although my spouse becomes eligible in a few years to collect a small one. In 10 years I become eligible to collect a small government pension (CPP in Canada, which seems to be like Social Security in the US). We have no investments outside of basic bank accounts. Have never visited a financial advisor. We are debt free, with some savings. I tell you all this to put my situation into context.

We left reasonably well paying jobs over a year ago. We've not got far, or fast, but we are out here. We are late 40s and early 50s. We don't know if this life is sustainable, or what we're going to do when we're too old to crank the windlass. We'll figure something out ... or we won't. As I say, life doesn't come with a guarantee.

Some weeks we're living on beans and rice. I happen to like beans, so that has never been a burden. I also like meat and fine wine, but mostly what I need is freedom. I know that this life can be inexpensive if you stay away from docks, do most (all) of your own work, and know how to see the joy in where you are.

There are always tradeoffs. Choices have consequences. I think it's a question of knowing what is truly important *to you* and then finding the right balance that achieves this.

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Old 27-08-2016, 18:43   #5

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Re: Professional therapy, motivational coach, or CF?

Oh i get it. A self permissions thing.

What they said.

Only reason I am sticking around is primarily for family reasons, else working to 64 is sick. Either carry the plan (like me and set a day even if you might not reach it) or go soon. You cannot predict what will happen day to day, your health or even in your retirement savings.
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Old 27-08-2016, 18:58   #6
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Re: Professional therapy, motivational coach, or CF?

So, why is it you want to leave again? Exactly what is it you are seeking with the cutting the tie? What are you sailing from, or sailing to? Definitely no criticism in there! I just think it is useful to clarify the goal. It will help set your mind at ease. Part of the goal is to be financially secure in your travels, yes? Perhaps define that specifically. And I hope Zeehag chimes in here, I bet she's got some good advice.
and yes that book was written in days when cars did not even have seat-belts and they didn't even make bike helmets... and 16 year-old kids sailed off in 24 foot boats... just plain more adventurous times! Perhaps I am the wrong one to answer here because I am not out there now, I am just cruising locally, coastally, with the family... But the times long ago when I was out there I found that I met all kinds of interesting folks in bars, in yacht clubs and "yacht clubs" and on docks who had all sorts of helpful advice and tips and that odd part you might need for something... those connections and networks are not something you can really plan on, but were I to be leaving tomorrow I have faith I'd still meet lots of help along the way
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Old 27-08-2016, 19:26   #7
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Re: Professional therapy, motivational coach, or CF?

Hello Gadagirl. Ive enjoyed the few posts I have read of yours. I think you are a smart cookie so I can well believe you will be fine at any time.

I'll just give you a few particulars so you know who we are. Jim is 53 and I am 49. We bought our cruiser in May and hope to get out of Colorado soon. We were aiming for September but the ducks arent lining up as quickly as we hoped.

Financially we will be on the DIY and budget well plan. Like Mike and his wife we may be eating beans and rice sometimes. We started with enough to purchase a modest, aging cruiser and the sale of our house will give us funds to cruise in modest style. With two SS payments we will get a raise when we srart drawing SS. But in the mean time we also wonder how well we will do on our savings. But one thing I really see ehen anylizing budgets is that many budgets are built around consumerism. That seems strange but I reading blogs I see a lot of folk flying home, drinking and buying new "necissary" things that arent really needed at all. I believe many people could live well but less luxuriously than it appears they want to try. I dont think one has to be impoverished by cruising on a budget, but you have to be sensible and do everything you can for yourself.

So where will you be if you have to go back to work? There maybe options you havent considered yet. How about nanny for a family while the kids are on school break? That can be done anywhere and may not require special work visas if you work for a family, living temporarily in a host country, of your same nationality. Just one idea any way. And what about that quick wit of yours? I think you could put it to work writing fiction or even satire acticles. Part time work can be quite different if you are staying where you can keep your costs down.

And what about the future...thats an unknown for, well, everyone. Getting a bit esoterical here but "plans" arent assurances. They are, at best, a map of what one wants to have happen. See boatmans post above. The best laid plans go awry. You are right to consider your possibilities. I think some thought gives us guidance to the next step.

I was listening to a Ted talk pod cast today. Its all about how procrastination is really giving one more time to think through possible actions rather than just taking the first idea. I think you can use this idea to your advantage and let the future stew a bit. You dont have all the answers you would like to have but, as boatmans story illistrates, having an "answer" is no guarantee that the conclusion will be satisfactory in the way you intend.

So, ask yourself what can you do with what you have? Is that, whatever it is, enough for now (just right now). Can you start on that and let the future unfold in time? Are you willing to live with just a little uncertainty knowing that, in time, some things will become clearer?
If toast always lands butter side down, and cats always land on their feet, what would happen if you strapped toast to a cat's back and dropped it? - Steven Wright
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Old 27-08-2016, 22:43   #8
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Re: Professional therapy, motivational coach, or CF?

Hey Gadagirl...I'll share my experience, strength and hope before the negative squad flies through here...
I retired slightly early this year. My SSI suffers for it but I want to cram in every opportunity I can to live a decent and fun life while I still can. Earlier health issues dictated that I should take such a path. Even before retiring, I took 6 months off here and 6 months off there to "taste the good life".
I am married but our deal is that she has her horses and i have my little ship. It works far. My boat is simple. I have the basics...but low dollar items. Used radar $500. AIS $250. Open CPN on my new SSD laptop. I try and stay on top of the maintenance. On a 35ft. boat...not too hard. I only take on a max of 1 crew member and single hand some. This winter will see me single handing more, as well as anchoring out almost exclusively.
The boat has been in Mx for 3 years now. If I ever bring it back to the US, it will be to sell it. When I come back to my home in Northern Ca., I have my Machine shop here and shake the money tree a little during the off season (cruising that is). Next year I should do the Marquesas which is a dream of mine. Maybe the North Pacific after that.
I envy the people that were able to pull down the big bucks in the tech world, buy a $300K boat and cruise in their 40's. I'm just a blue collar guy and settled for local cruising while working. I was lucky to foresee the housing crash and cashed out before hand, then bought back in a few years later at the bottom. No mortgage.
I think that is the hangup of a lot of people..."How to I cruise and have something to come back to"? That's a tough one. I guess we all have to find our whole niche in the scheme of things. I can say for myself, I know I'll always be ok...the reason I know that is because I always have been.
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming: Wow - what a ride!"
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Old 28-08-2016, 02:17   #9

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Re: Professional therapy, motivational coach, or CF?


Before the "Go now, go now in poverty" crowd takes hold of this thread, let me advise you that it's possible to have it both ways.

My wife and I work six months per year in New England, then cruise full time six months per year here in the Mediterranean. We'll continue to do this for the next three years, as we have done so quite successfully over the past six years.

Our medical skills stay viable and marketable, in fact I just received notice from the administrator at the nuthouse, that I'm being offered an additional 15% pay raise if I return to my job in October.

Miracles do happen. The hard work does pay off.

Forget about the eating beans and rice crowd, it's way over-rated.... who wants to be in a position to need to debate whether or not it's financially viable to spend a few hundred dollars everytime something comes up?
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Old 28-08-2016, 03:34   #10
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Originally Posted by Kenomac View Post

Before the "Go now, go now in poverty" crowd takes hold of this thread, let me advise you that it's possible to have it both ways.

Forget about the eating beans and rice crowd, it's way over-rated.... who wants to be in a position to need to debate whether or not it's financially viable to spend a few hundred dollars everytime something comes up?
Beans and Rice.. man..!! so little imagination and creativity..
I much prefer Red Lentils cooked with Tumeric and Onions topped with sliced garlic flashed in butter poured on top served with pan bread made of flour, olive oil, grated fresh ginger, coriander and cumin seeds...
All that time on your hands and all you can come up with is beans and rice..

PS; Gadagirl.. stick with CF.. all the other two can offer you is Bills.. save your money and don't be someone else's ticket to the good life.

You can't beat a people up for 75 years and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
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But I cannot sell my birthright, nor am I prepared to sell the birthright of the people to be free." Nelson Mandela.
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Old 28-08-2016, 03:38   #11

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Re: Professional therapy, motivational coach, or CF?

Originally Posted by boatman61 View Post
Beans and Rice.. man so little imagination and creativity..
I much prefer Red Lentils cooked with Tumeric and Onions topped with sliced garlic flashed in butter poured on top served with pan bread made of flour, olive oil, grated fresh ginger, coriander and cumin seeds...
All that time on your hands and all you can come up with is beans and rice..
I put all my creative effort into "Go now, go now in poverty." There was nothing left for beans and rice, I'll need to work on my endurance.
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Old 28-08-2016, 04:22   #12
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Re: Professional therapy, motivational coach, or CF?

Originally Posted by boatman61 View Post
Beans and Rice.. man..!! so little imagination and creativity..
I much prefer Red Lentils cooked with Tumeric and Onions topped with sliced garlic flashed in butter poured on top served with pan bread made of flour, olive oil, grated fresh ginger, coriander and cumin seeds...
All that time on your hands and all you can come up with is beans and rice..

PS; Gadagirl.. stick with CF.. all the other two can offer you is Bills.. save your money and don't be someone else's ticket to the good life.
Isn't that what everyone means by "beans"? Though we add some Saag too!
If toast always lands butter side down, and cats always land on their feet, what would happen if you strapped toast to a cat's back and dropped it? - Steven Wright
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Old 28-08-2016, 04:38   #13
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Originally Posted by Sea Dreaming View Post
Isn't that what everyone means by "beans"? Though we add some Saag too!
Ahhh..!! A semi Dhansak..
Though I must confess.. I prefer Aloo with my Saag...
As for beans.. when someone says bean.. baked beans always springs to mind.. most on here seem to love their canned food..

You can't beat a people up for 75 years and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
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But I cannot sell my birthright, nor am I prepared to sell the birthright of the people to be free." Nelson Mandela.
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Old 28-08-2016, 05:01   #14
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Re: Professional therapy, motivational coach, or CF?

It's a mixture of our personality types and how society has trained us. When I started my first business I was so scared of the "no steady paycheck" thing. But over time I built confidence in my ability to make ends meet. Like some on here I've had an eclectic career, and find ways to make beans and rice taste good on the down times. But enjoy the steaks on the good times.

I now grate against the cubicle life of 9 to 5 m - f. But have a set plan on doing that for a period of time to build the kitty up and get the boat in shape. I'm prepared with a plan B to leave earlier and simpler if the cubicle goes away and supplementing with part time work. But I live simply (move on the boat today) and put a majority of my money into my boat or savings. One so that I can have some financial security but another reason is so that if I have to fall back to plan B I will be adjusted to the beans and rice lifestyle. This PlanA/PlanB solution was my compromise to your dilemma.

Remember that the nature of human life really hasn't changed that much. Even in times of economic destruction (fall of rome, wars, great depressions) people survived and even thrived. There are too many economic things out of our control that you can get paralyzed with fear if you let it.
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Old 28-08-2016, 06:24   #15
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Re: Professional therapy, motivational coach, or CF?

For Gadagirl.... Responding to the first post.

The Pardys are wonderful people and their adventures fun to read, and I know Lynn comes to this forum occasionally so I hope, if she reads this she wont be offended.

You are right their cruising of that book was 50 years ago... As was the Hiscocks, Chitchester, etc, Slocumbe 110 years ago....

These books are 'nice' to read but have no relevance on cruising in the modern sense, living wise nor technically.

The next time I read a book where some person floats into port where mechanics drop everything to fix an international boat for free... It doesnt happen. Its $90 per hour and the damn mechanic has no idea of your boat. The harbour master does not rush down and clear a dock space of quaint fishing boats and let you dock for free. You get some shitty bit of concrete and pay $150 per night. Yacht Clubs dont have a red carpet to unroll, they have restaurants where the cheapest main dish is $45!

It doesnt exist anymore. It hasnt existed for 30, 40 or 50 years!

You will always get a myriad of posts here saying "When I cruised the Pacific in the 1970's and the locals paddled out with free fruit" thats 45 years ago, now they paddle out with cheap Chinese crap souveneeers.... Or in the Caribbean the boat boys blackmail to into buying their vastly inflated prices for a lettuce bought from the same supermarket next to the dinghy dock that they are blocking you from (St Lucia).

If you read these books read them like a historical novel. Its in the past. It doesnt exist now.

I am sorry if the reality hits hard. But yes, you need real money, and unless one gets fit, keeps fit they need health insurance unless they want to use local health services (most Americans spraining a toe want to be airlifted back to the USA for treatment)

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