Originally Posted by CFR
Hi all i really did not understand the issue and the discussion about electrical or engine driven bilge pumps. If you are in trouble your batteries are flooded and your diesel will not run this is for sure. The best insurance is a independent petrol driven water pump which cost maybe 2-300 usd and will pump 20.000 gallones an hour. I think this is one of the overseen BUT real essential safety gear on board, maybe more important then a life raft........
By the way i have 3 watertight bulkheads in my aluminium boat plus my water tanks in the bilge act as double bottom.....
That sounds good.
But, anything used must be above the water.
Where is the petrol-driven pump and
fuel to be stored?
My batteries, like most cats are up high - generator is higher than engines,etc.
They all rely on being above the initial flooding water level, and remaining so during
repairs and/or flight-to-safety.
I have 500 gallons of diesel - do not want to take more petrol on board. Would prefer to have no petrol.
But self contained petrol pump on
deck would be the best otherwise...