I have been negotiating to get a replacement unit (tacktick MHU) with
Raymarine for about 6 mths now. We have had one replacement unit for free when the original MHU did not function at all .
Raymarine have admitted in an
email that there were a complete batch issue which were faulty
It's exhausting dealing with these guys but will not give up on this
Never heard about the max 50 foot range
rule. My
mast is 76 foot and it worked fine for about 3 mths (about a year ago now)
** I simply gave up on the spinning
wheel speed measurement gizmo. It's rubbish and never tallies with anything close the
GPS SOG reading (yes I understand they are measuring different things )
Depth seems to be working but will not interface with the full Raymarine system
On balance it's fair to say I think my TackTick
purchase was a complete mistake and getting
service from Raymarine here in
Asia is a joke
Carlisle Spirit