Coincidentally I am having very similar problem with my Nexus NX2 (mine is branded
Furuno although
Furuno inform me it is manufactured by Nexus). I am also getting error 03 (although I get error 02 displayed first) and system lock up. Also seems to be an intermittent fault like yours. I have checked and remade all connections, run the re initialise sequence which helped temporarily, enabling the system to run for 30 mins. Then error 02 followed a few seconds later by error 03 and lockup. I have removed
NMEA connections to other
equipment but am not finding any solutions. Sorry I can't help, I'm installing a
fish finder as a backup
depth sounder until I can sort this out. Has anyone had these issues and
solved them? The system occasionally runs for hours then locks up, any ideas?
Hope some
electronics genius can help us, this
gear is too expensive to just throw away. Tech support at Furuno couldn't help as it's a Nexus unit, and the Nexus tech guy is unavailable til mid July (a tad inconvenient as I'm cruising in
coral areas at the moment, which is great, but a bit worrying without
depth info).
Any ideas anyone?
Thanks, Ian