Hi All,
The GLMMNet will be active on the annual Ham
Radio Field Day (June 25 and 26), not so much for the competition, but more for advertising the Net.
Note: You will need a Ham
Radio license for this. (Very easy to get nowadays - no more Morse code required, and just a short multiple choice exam.)
Here is how we can all be involved:
1. All members can operate Field Day from their
boats, or from the
dock, or whatever.
2. Our normal net sessions will still be taking place, without the
Internet content.
However, it might be difficult to find clear frequencies to do so....=)
Weather briefings can be acquired via Winmor on HF.
4. All net members can check in to other CQ calls as “Great Lakes
Marine Mobile Net – Your callsign”. (Yep, you can act as Net Control
Officer for the day. You have our permission !)
5. We are working on GLMMNet QSL Cards. These will be send out after you emailed us your log for Field Day as
Great Lakes Marine Mobile Net NCS.
Internet Remote Base transmissions can be done as a demonstration of capability....I know, You will probably need long distance
(Hey it is RF, after all.)
7. We certainly can use the RF side of Echolink and IRLP in creative ways to talk to other hams. Just link to Echolink– or IRLP - enabled
repeaters or nodes. Just identify as “Great Lakes Marine Mobile Net, operated by <Your Callsign> via Echolink or IRLP.”
8. Direct VHF/UHF transmissions to local repeaters around the marina.
Use your HT or
boat base station.
9. All stations please keep a listening watch on our normal HF frequencies when not operating per se. These are : Day time – 7.263
7.268 MHz (depending on QRM.)
Night time – 3.935 MHz
10. Have fun, have a blast, and keep the
Great Lakes Marine Mobile
Net name high and well advertised !
Any further operating suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Best 73,
Bernie Dekok
Great Lakes Marine Mobile Net NCS