Our 2019 USCG COD Renewal Process.
We first went to the
National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC) website and downloaded and reviewed the new submission requirements contained in a PDF file titled, Certificate Of
Documentation Application For Renewal (
NVDCINST 16713). The instructions were pretty clear - the online Pay.gov website was to be used
ONLY for a
1-year COD renewal; the 5-year COD renewal required the submission of approved USCG forms available on their website.
We downloaded the following PDF files from the NVDC
Instructions and Forms webpage.
We easily filled out the CG-1280 Renewal of Certificate of Documentation form in a few minutes - it has detailed instructions printed right on the form.
When we filled out the CG-7042 Credit Card Form, we followed the requirements identified in the PDF file titled, Certificate Of Documentation Application For Renewal (
NVDCINST 16713). On the CG-7042 form, in section L. INDICATE
SERVICE REQUIRED, we checked the block "Application for Renewal $26.00". We also checked the block "Other" and filled in the entry fields as follows: Other __
2-5 YEAR RENEW__ Amount $
104.00_. This results in block I. AMOUNT OF CHARGE being filled in as $130.00. The rest of the form CG-7042 was filled out as required.
Both filled out forms, CG-1280 and CG-7042, were scanned and made into an
single PDF file. This PDF file was attached to an
email and sent to the NVDC at email address
NVDC.PDF.FILING@uscg.mil per the instructions in PDF file, Filing of
Instruments via .pdf/Fax/Mail.
More of what we did is at: