Originally Posted by doiroda
Hi, got almost same needs. may I know what format does the Visual Planner outputs? Mine I need to convert ".route" routes files created by Kelvin Hughes ECDIS on order to import it to Maxsea..
Visual Passage Planner v2 currently exports to; Microsoft Excel, Comma Delimited, Tab Delimited and Space Delimited files. According to the
software company, a beta upgrade version of the
software will be released with the next couple of months. This version will allow export to .GPX format which can then be directly imported into MaxSea.
In the interim, I created my own elaborate workaround for importing routes/waypoints from the
current version of Visual Passage Planner into MaxSea;
I export VPP waypoints to a CSV file,
This is imported into Excel where I use formulas and macros to re-arrange the information,
This is then saved as a CSV and imported into a
GPS file format converter,
This is then converted to a .GPX file and finally imported into MaxSea.
Although it takes a couple of minutes to do this, it works like a charm. Perhaps you should look at a similar solution.