Originally Posted by zboss
As I understand it with industrial chain is that the tolerances are much wider... so while the specs for the chain might read xyz, the actual dimensions of the chain can vary widely.
Just for the hell of it, I have been trying to educate myself on this subject.
I'm starting to realize, that part of the problem is recongnizing the difference between NACM (National Association of Chain Manufactures) specifications for a particular grade and size of chain and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) specifications for a particular grade and size of chain.
Also, keeping in mind there are specifications for short link and long link chain (at least with the ISO). Most windlasses use short link and there is no difference in strength ratings between short and long link.
I wrote
Maxwell and gave them the code off of my
gypsy and they said I need G40 5/16" High Test (with no further information given). NACM says that G40 and G43 are the same thing (but, I think they are referring to strength only). I tried a two foot piece of "5/16" G43 I bought at Lowes just for the hell of it. The links were the right width, but way too long for the
gypsy. Obviously, long length chain.
I finally decided that what my windless really calls for is ISO spec Grade 40 short link chain. But, to be sure, I just ordered a foot of that from First Chain Supply. We'll see.
I would just send a piece of the chain I have now, but it has always hung up in the gypsy a little (when you lay it in the gypsy and examine it, the length is perfect, but the widths seems to be just a little snug).
Anyway, interesting stuff to learn about.