When operating basically a non profitable business providing free
service calls and technical
advice for over 30 years there can be logistical problems. My first of five
books on
boat refrigeration was printed using a TI 4 computer and memory from a sound tape player. With the many changes in
boat refrigeration designs over the years and companies interring and leaving this very small industry, revising my
books frequently was required, hence the total of five books. In 2004 after my last book I advised all future revision to my books would be electronically posted free on my web site and on my refrigeration forum.
Changes over the last year by
customs clearances, my credit card company changes, thefts of book in transit and 18,000 spam entries to my forum in the last 4 months are forcing me to look for a ways to keep my hobby active. I am not retiring as I did already retire 26 years ago. For the last 10 years I communicate only by E Mail spending 4 to 6 hours every day helping boaters with refrigeration troubles and questions. Those who did not like my
advice and wanted to overload my refrigeration forum were successful so it is temporarily shut down. Because of mailing problems to third world countries I will refuse orders to the countries where problems have occurred. The company that processes credit card purchases for me changed hands to a
Canada address. They will reject book orders if books are to be shipped to a separate countries address from card holders address.
I receive so many e mail requests for help I handle every one that truly need help first others must wait for an answer. Sorry but that the way it is.