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Old 26-01-2013, 06:56   #16
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pirate Re: Blue water sailing school grad questions

Originally Posted by skipmac View Post
6-Pack is the most basic USCG captains license. So called because the holder is limited to operating a boat carrying no more than 6 passengers.
Cheers Skipmac...
So its kinda like the RYA Day Skipper or Powerboat 2 for us foreign types..
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Old 26-01-2013, 07:09   #17
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Re: Blue water sailing school grad questions

Originally Posted by boatman61 View Post
Cheers Skipmac...
So its kinda like the RYA Day Skipper or Powerboat 2 for us foreign types..
Well if one of those allows carrying passengers for hire, yes. Have to say I am not up on the rules on your side of the pond. I'm still trying to sort out dealing with CEVNI and ATIS if I ever get into the canals in Europe (won't even mention Schengen)
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Old 26-01-2013, 07:53   #18
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Re: Blue water sailing school grad questions

ATIS...Airport Terminal Information System. All pilots are required to listen to ATIS, as soon as they start their engines on the ground or about 25 nm prior to landing, in most airports with control towers. Information given is a pre-recorded information that includes the weather, the active runway(s), altimeter setting and any obstruction/construction on the field. Each ATIS ends with an alphabet letter that changes with each new ATIS issued; for example..."information ZULU". When contacting airport's ground control or tower control, you will mention..."ready to taxi with ZULU" (to the Ground controller) or, "Landing with ZULU" (to the Control tower). The mentioning of the alphabet tells the controllers that you have listened to the latest ATIS broadcast, to this particular airport. If you do not mention the current alphabet letter, the controller will ask you to check ATIS, prior to giving you taxi or landing instructions. Alphabet letters go like...Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta...Whisky, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu. Mauritz
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Old 26-01-2013, 08:00   #19
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pirate Re: Blue water sailing school grad questions

Originally Posted by Teknav View Post
ATIS...Airport Terminal Information System. All pilots are required to listen to ATIS, as soon as they start their engines on the ground or about 25 nm prior to landing, in most airports with control towers. Information given is a pre-recorded information that includes the weather, the active runway(s), altimeter setting and any obstruction/construction on the field. Each ATIS ends with an alphabet letter that changes with each new ATIS issued; for example..."information ZULU". When contacting airport's ground control or tower control, you will mention..."ready to taxi with ZULU" (to the Ground controller) or, "Landing with ZULU" (to the Control tower). The mentioning of the alphabet tells the controllers that you have listened to the latest ATIS broadcast, to this particular airport. If you do not mention the current alphabet letter, the controller will ask you to check ATIS, prior to giving you taxi or landing instructions. Alphabet letters go like...Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta...Whisky, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu. Mauritz
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Old 26-01-2013, 08:44   #20
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Excellent information Skipmac! Sea shepherds is right up my alley. I would love to be sailing over all but for starters I can get my feet wet on a diesel. Might even save an iceberg or something! ;]
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Old 26-01-2013, 18:12   #21
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Re: Blue water sailing school grad questions

Originally Posted by Teknav View Post
ATIS...Airport Terminal Information System. All pilots are required to listen to ATIS, as soon as they start their engines on the ground or about 25 nm prior to landing, in most airports with control towers.
Or to travel on the inland waterway system in Europe ATIS... Automatic Transmitter Identification System. Sends an ID code from your marine VHF.
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Old 04-03-2013, 23:59   #22
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Re: Blue water sailing school grad questions

Originally Posted by boatman61 View Post
Cheers Skipmac...
So its kinda like the RYA Day Skipper or Powerboat 2 for us foreign types..

The 6 pack is a genuine USCG lisence or certificate of competancy to be in charge of a small comercial vessel. It requires a specified minimum expierience and knowladge.

RYA is a vollentry ameture little or no expierience required. Not an actual lisence or certificate of competancy. While it is well regarded as a vollentry training course perhapls even to higher knowladge level. Its not a lisence.
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Old 23-01-2014, 12:16   #23
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Re: Blue water sailing school grad questions

Hi i am 60 years old and have the sailing bug. I want to get my ASA chartering license from a sailing school. Unfortunately, i suffer from spine ailment with numerous surgeries. However i have good upper body strength, am strong swimmer, and have sailed my whole life on small boats on large lake. Im wondering just what level of activity I ought to be prepared for to sail a 30-40 ft boat and is this potentially doable. Warm regards to all!
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Old 23-01-2014, 15:57   #24
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Re: Blue water sailing school grad questions

Not an easy question to answer
Only you know your ability and mobility.
There are small boats which are purpose built for paraplegic sailors.

I would suggest, contacting a local ASA school and going out for a sail with them to get a feel for it.
You don't need to be able to single hand in the roaring forties to enjoy sailing.
For many of us its a team or group or family activity done in sheltered waters in light to moderate conditions.
If sailing with friends even who have never sailed you can always explain what needs doing if you know the process.
Expect to be able to move about slowly and carefully on a boat to heeled 20 degrees and pitching a bit.
Much if not all of what you need to do can be done from within the cockpit moving not to far on a modern charter yacht. Except for going to the heads.
Some you don’t even need to go forward to stow the mainsail. Just for tying up at the end of the day.
I used to take my dad sailing after he had a stroke and had quite significant difficulty walking and little strength on one side. He really enjoyed it
Give it a go, you won’t regret it.
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