Befor you leave the pease of mind of the marina, grab a chart of the area.. And because your
boat is new to you, check your
compass to the chart to be sure your compass is boxed..
You can do this by finding two points on the chart at least a half mile apart.. take your
boat and run a rumline from point "A" to point "B" and check you
boats compass to the magnetic on the chart. you'll almost always be a couple degrees off do the movement of the magnetic field..
After you know the difference between the heading on the chart and the compass reading on your boat, you can plot a corse to
The reasoning behind the detail of the post is that you might get caught out in the
fog at some time and its nice to know you can make it back to your harbor on your compass only..And its nice to know that your compass is pointing in the right direction. Not only that but you do need to carry a chart of the area you are traveling in...