I like the boat nice and low to the
water for a
trawler. Make sure you do a full sea trail on motor=photo time tack-wot no load
rpm to manufactures specs.-wot full load to or better 100
rpm above spec at rated hp. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT iM TALKING ABOUT GET AN H0NEST
MECHANIC TO DO IT. This will tell you if the boat was propped correctly and if your
motor will have a reasonable chance at predicted life span. I know I once bought a boat with 250 hrs on
motor and it blew at 273 it was over propped and not by much. The new light high output deisels are not same as old iron-will not tolerate misuse or poor mantainance. I had to go to deisel
school and read a lot to learn the facts. Most of these motors are designated as LIGHT DUTY recreational use with limits on hrs per day and year along with % load limits. They are not permited on comercial use
boats not if you want a warrenty. Just remembered some one on my
dock has one and he likes it.