Originally Posted by denverd0n
I agree CareKnot. I would hope that someone in Florida would challenge this in federal court, on the basis that a state cannot put restrictions on navigable waters like this.
That was the next step last time but it never got past Florida high court. Hence we got the pilot program which allowed the towns to get rid of the bum
boats if they put in a
mooring field which has been a fail in several places.Sarasota had a company put in a bunch of screw
mooring but they were found to be a fail but the
money had already been paid and
key west still has issues with the bum
boats but has a large mooring field.Bootkey seems in good shape.
Get rid of bum boat the
legal way is very expensive. Much more so than cars.Frankly why some masked good citizens dont tow them out a couple miles and turn them into a impromptu reef is beyond me
Frankly all these issues have been about bum boats except one
this guy got his own personal bill passed now.
The Destin issue was about a constant sandbar issue where powerboaters wont leave room for the cops and fire dept to get in there to haul the injured drunks out of the
water on sundays.The third spot has something to do with nighttime
water skiing which I never got
The biggest issue on this bill was the 200 foot setback
rule which would have effected the whole state.Thankfully that was removed.