Hi, sailing from Capetown to Grenada and wondering about the importcustoms as read no fruit,vegetables,meats etc. allowed into Grenada? Can anyone advise please as will be stocked up with foodstuffs for our Caribbean cruising in December. Thanks
Maybe it's changed, but when we were there last year their forms had no bio-security focus (other than pets). We had no questions about food anywhere in the Eastern Caribbean, and in fact, no officials came to our boat in the Caribbean.
Location: Cayuga Lake NY - or on the boat somewhere south of there
Boat: Caliber 35
Posts: 1,397
Re: Customs Grenada
Ditto what msponer said. My boat is there now. Entered last May and they had no interest at all in going out to look at the boat. They didnt even look out at the bay to see that there WAS a boat.
Dont worry about it. We arrived from South Africa into the Caribbean and Grenada a few months ago where we were well stocked with the finest of South African food and wine. There were no questions or forms related to food stuff.
I've been in Grenada for 2 months. When I checked in, I wasn't asked a single question about food stuffs. The check-in process was friendly and easy here. Treat the officers with respect and I'm sure it will be returned.