Originally Posted by bob kingsland
Hi Rodney: I've browsed this forum for some time but have never felt the urge to post until now. Having spent 28years building a 50' boat, I can identify with some of what you've been through and felt I had to write and congratulate you on a tremendous and magnificent accomplishment. The amount of work it took to get your project this far is mind boggling, and my hat is off to you. Congratulations, and the very best of luck. Bob S/V Restless
Not to put a damper on Rodney's amazing efforts and derail his throead, yet WOW!, Bob. I just spent 20 minutes looking at your S/V Restless photos. Such a beautiful boat. I love the lines, and the colors you chose. There's one "launch day"
photo showing the stern post-launch, and the lines are stunning with that 14-foot beam. A really solid looking boat. I'd have named her "Hurricane Harasser", "Storm Stomper", or "Squall Squasher". Something along those lines.
You mentioned on your page that you chose to build her out of
steel due to the experience you gained from your years spent
commercial fishing. Can you elaborate on that a little more? Interested to know your thoughts on
steel, as opposed to glass,
aluminum, fc,
wood. Did you use any treatments, other than
paint, to make the
hull impervious to
corrosion and rust? Also, I assume you took
interior photos once completed. Would love to see those. The joinery shown in some of your photos looks excellent. Great job! Any chance of you
posting the design plans, including the
interior layout?
Congratulations again.