When this story broke, I was a bit skeptical -- surviving on one seagull, etc. I figured we were missing some crucial facts, like either they had other
food sources, or they had spent part of their 50 days out on a lark somewhere, and only went adrift on their way home or something.
But I must admit that the facts as they've come out so far are damned impressive. They really were adrift for over 50 days. And their only additional
food sources were some coconuts and flying
fish -- which doesn't add up to much. From all the accounts I've ever read, you're lucky to get an average of one flying fish a day, probably less. That's not much split between three growing boys. No hooks or spears to get the bigger hunks of protein. I'm a little mystified why 20 coconuts only lasted 2 days . . . but aside from that the story all has settled down. Very few people have ever survived so long on so little.
(And the part about leaving drunk in the middle of the night in a
small boat to go 100 miles over the sea for a girl -- priceless.)