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Old 17-07-2010, 20:08   #16
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I have the same question as Chief, but if this is about the BF's then what if they had a pay per view website instead of a free blog with the ability to accept a donation? Would that be any different? They have interesting adventures and are good at communicating them. It is called entertainment in other venues and people gladly pay for the content without whinging on about it in forums. Why is a sailing website different than others?

Consider yourself lucky - you get to enjoy their site for free. Don't pay and don't whinge. Or don't visit their site at all and stop paying attention to what they and other people do regarding it.

But geez, it is none of your business.


You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.
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Old 17-07-2010, 20:11   #17
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They ask for money - let's start a thread complaining about them.

You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.
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Old 17-07-2010, 20:11   #18
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Originally Posted by Chief Engineer View Post
You have 100 websites.......I can barely keep up with two
You make a good point. Someone wrote a letter to me from an east coast university in the USA, and he felt that I had spread myself fairly thin in my sites. He makes a good point. On the other hand, I have plenty of things to do in my spare time - come to think of it, I don't have any spare time because I'm working on my sites when I am not on forums or at work earning Freedom Chips.

Everyone has a delusional system, and my delusional system has lots of web sites embedded in it. There is no known cure for this disorder.
Dave -Sailing Vessel Exit Only
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Old 17-07-2010, 21:51   #19
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Cure for Delusional System

1. Turn off cellphone at a certain time every night

2. Limit your browsing to certain hours and stick with a cutoff time (see number one)

3. Think of it this wouldn't go to a shopping mall for 4-5 hours just to by a pair of skivvies.......I have to be careful here.....I went shopping with a girlfriend for a pair of jeans.....6.345 hours later we went back to the first store....she bought the jeans there.....It was s numbing experience I can remember. Oh and the drive to the mega-mall-from-hell was 90 minutes one way
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Old 18-07-2010, 01:32   #20
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Thanks for the thoughts so far.

It seems that most that support this type of thing (or don't care) consider it an 'entertainment expense' rather that a 'charitable contribution', that's interesting.
On another blog that I follow often the crew stopped to return home to refill the kitty and noted that it was suggested they instead add a pay pal to their site but they declined.

For the record, I don't care how you spend or don't spend your money. Its yours to do with as you will.

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Old 18-07-2010, 01:41   #21
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Interesting thoughts - but where did they come from? Who is the couple referred to ion the first post, and where is their story?
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Old 18-07-2010, 01:58   #22
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Whats the real reason behind this thread?
Is it envy? Are you jealous that you have had to work hard, save your pennies and spend them very wisely to reach your dream, then a couple of kids happen along, who never had to save, plan, go without for years to get the same place as you?

Life is like that all over. You can either be bitter about it and ruin your life, or just accept and be greatful for what you DO have.

I personally wouldnt trade places with the kids of today. By the time I die in another 30 yrs, I will have seen the best this planet has to offer. By then, it will all be over.

Sure, ive had to do it the hard way, loads of hard times, hard work etc but what I have is mine, all mine and that makes me happy.

As the sying goes 'I was born with b*gger all, and Ive still got most of it left'

I did it my way
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Old 18-07-2010, 04:12   #23
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Yes whats the point of this thread? Seems to me that most folks could pick the log out of there eye before they help others with there splinter?
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Old 18-07-2010, 05:06   #24
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Any donations to my boatbuilding project are greatly accepted and appreciated. Click the link below to send your donation today!

Yours Aye! Rick
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Old 18-07-2010, 05:55   #25
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I walk past the magazine rack and I see an interesting cover story. I either buy the mag--or I don't. Its my choice of how I spend my entertainment bucks.
Or who I give them to.
Someone earlier made reference to the "rights of passage" attitude among cruisers.
I love, and have built boats starting with a clean sheet of paper thru to sailing them.
I also spend a good bit of time car racing, powerboat racing and sometimes at the motorcycle track as a pit man.
I also had my own marine tech business, and have worked on many cruising boats.
The ONLY interest group where I have experienced this attitude of "I'm special, so you should be happy to give me a break on my bill" is the sailing cruisers.
so many projects--so little time !!
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Old 18-07-2010, 06:11   #26
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I say more power to them, if someone wants to pay my way I will give them my address to send money. I think it can be inventive and entrepreneurial.

Thinking outside the box, unless my numbers come up in the lottery tomorrow, it is going to take me 7 years roughly to save to a point where I can comfortably go on my trip, with the stress of money.

I look at ways everyday to make extra money to help fund the trip, I have picked up old appliances people throw to the curb, and sell the steel. Written articles, odd jobs as a handyman, bought a old car fixed it up. etc etc. Any little bit I can earn now means I won't have to earn it later. So if someone wants to say hey man, here is $10 towards your cruising kitty. I will take it in a heartbeat.

No one forces someone to make a donation to help support a trip.

I might not be able to get one person to give me a million dollars, but I bet I could get 1 million people to give me a buck.
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Old 18-07-2010, 06:42   #27
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Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
... I might not be able to get one person to give me a million dollars, but I bet I could get 1 million people to give me a buck.
Presuming a reasonable time limit, I'll take that bet.
Gord May
"If you didn't have the time or money to do it right in the first place, when will you get the time/$ to fix it?"

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Old 18-07-2010, 06:51   #28
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My step-mother once told me that she sent money to the tv preachers. She understood they were spending her money wildly, and were probably sinners too. She also told me it made her feel good. Pretty dumb logic, but it made her happy.

I personally look at the paypal sailors as beggars. Yeah it tweaks me a wee bit I had to break my back, and at times fist fight my way through my business to afford what I have. It's kind of like the rich kid that gets the newest, shiniest, sports car on his, or her 16th. Very few appreciate what was handed to them.

So lying, and decieving to get money from people living vicariously through you. That just makes you as low as a cheating politician, or a beggar on Sunday morning tv wearing suits worth thousands of dollars. We all get through life differently. Some have a concious, and some don't............i2f
SAILING is not always a slick magazine cover!
BORROWED..No single one of is as smart as all of us!
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Old 18-07-2010, 07:21   #29
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Originally Posted by imagine2frolic View Post
Yeah it tweaks me a wee bit I had to break my back, and at times fist fight my way through my business to afford what I have. It's kind of like the rich kid that gets the newest, shiniest, sports car on his, or her 16th.
It was that line of thinking that, causes a lot of peoples problems.

I used have that to keep up with the "Jones" mentality, bought the biggest house I could afford, nicest car I could afford. Had to have the best TV, cell phone, laptop.

That all broke my spirit and soul, working 60-70hrs a week to keep up, we would hear so and so was going on vacation to Hawaii, so we had to book a trip to Bali to one up them. It was a ridiculous race with no winner, unless your name is Bill Gates there will always be someone who can get or do more. It wasn't until job loss that almost cost me everything really brought me down to earth to realize quality of life was much better then quantity.
We now have a house 1/5th the size of our old home, 2 cars both over 5 years old. We do a modest vacation every other year, and every year a camping trip or something simple.

I do still go to the casino on occasion with my small amount of cash, I don't drink or eat out so it is my entertainment, if it pays off great if not, I still had fun.

Do I get envious when someone else gets more then me, sure I will admit it. But I don't react the same way.

There is a man in my town, his name is Rob, he is known as crazy feather hat guy, as he walks around town with a cowboy hat with 6 long feathers hanging out of it. He is 64yrs old, and is on a very small government pension. So he can be seen around town begging for money. I sat and had a talk with him over coffee one day, I came to learn he was fairly successful in business in his 20's to 40's house and family. His wife was murdered in their home by some guy breaking in and the house was set on fire to cover the scene. 3 months after his wife passed, his daughter was killed in a car accident, 2 weeks after that his son committed suicide. He turned to drugs and alcohol to deal with things, lost his job, any money he had, and found himself homeless and an addict. He has since cleaned his life up, does odd jobs here and there, and yes does ask for hand outs. I asked what the feathers were, he tells me he had a native American mentor through his drug and alcohol rehab, this man had a heart attack and died just before his one year anniversary of behind sober, so he put a feather in his hat to commemorate his friend and celebrate sobriety, every year on the anniversary he puts another feather in his hat. He has been clean and sober for 6 years. When I see him on the street, he remembers my name, we talk for a few minutes I give him a few bucks. I feel good about it, he uses the money for food and shelter, so it is a good cause as far as I am concerned. and I don't look at him like a beggar anymore, I look at him as a guy who life threw a curve ball too, knocked him on his butt and he is getting back up. Many of us wouldn't have been strong enough to deal with it, and he has, so I commend him for it.
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Old 18-07-2010, 08:22   #30
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Reckless,thanks for sharing that story . It reminded me in turn of a speech by John Fire Lame Deer.

When someone was so poor that he couldn't afford a horse, a tent or a blanket,he would, in that case, receive it all as a gift.

We were too uncivilized to give great importance to private property.
We didn't know any kind of money and consequently, the value of a human being was not determined by his wealth.
We were really in bad shape before the white men arrived and I don't know
how to explain how we were able to manage without these fundamental things that (so they tell us) are so necessary for a civilized society."
(John Fire Lame Deer)

Contribute to a Paypal siet - yes or no ? Yes, I will contribute,if you are giving me something in return,for then you have worked for me and you have earned the money. Yes, if I am contributing to something that somewhere down the line helps someone else . Yes ,if you promise to pay it forward. No,if all I am doing is financing your self indulgence. Your judgement which is which and that may be different for all of us.

Should you put up a paypal button? Ask yourself, if you are doing something for your money. If not, it is begging and you should only beg for necessities . And noone should have to beg for that.

My 5 cents (inflation adjusted)

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