The human element is made up of varying and changing degrees of emotions and perceptions.
Like the Tide going in and out.....easier to just go with the flow here in CF
From.William Delaney Distinguished Educator
"While both comedy and tragedy point to human foibles, the manner in which these foibles are treated as well as the outcome greatly differ.
TRAGEDY......Emphasis upon human shortcomings which effect suffering
The hero is often isolated
The hero realizes errors too late
The hero and others die in the end/suffer a great downfall
The tone of the drama is solemn and ominous
The emotions of pity and fear are aroused
There are lessons in man's condition and fate
Self-deception and excessive pride (hubris) are held to ridicule
The limitations of the human condition are emphasized
The conflict is very serious
Fate often plays a strong role
The ending is mournful (nearly everyone dies)
COMEDY....Emphasis is placed upon the idyosyncracies of the character that can effect
humor and renewal
The action moves toward freedom or renewal
There is much
humor and high spirits
The comedy elicits a response of the intellect in delight or ridicule
The play celebrates a ridiculous life
Comedy ridicules conceit and self-delusion
Comedy points to human weaknesses, but suggestions for improvement and self-renewal are generated
The protagonist is an ordinary person
The conflicts are sometimes ludicrous; at the very least, they are not serious
The protagonist reaches an improbable achievement
The protagonist is an ordinary person, but idiosyncratic
The protagonist is often unrealistic or intolerant
Despite setbacks and detours, the protagonist wins out in the end.
Ending is usually light, happy, and positive"