G'DAy all,
Here's a simple query: A long time ago I won some races, and was awarded a really nice HYE brass
trawler lamp, suitably engraved, as a prize. I've kept it through three
boats now, and love it dearly. When it was new it was coated with some form of lacquer that kept it shiny no matter what befell it. After a few years some pits formed in the coating, and
corrosion started in the brass under the pits. Looked a bit daggy, 'cause you couldn't get polish into the pits. Eventually Ann threw a wobbley, and so with a lot of difficulty I removed the remaining lacquer (bloody tough stuff it is), and she began the thankless task of keeping it polished. The fun seems to have gone out of that task (!), and I would like to replace the original lacquer... but no one I've asked knows what it is.
Any help would be appreciated by me, Ann and the bloody lamp which is getting tired of having its bum rubbed so much!
Jim and Ann S/v Insatiable II lying Burnett River, Qld, Oz