Originally Posted by Blades-Dreaming
Looking for my first boat.
What about the PDQ 32' Altair Catamaran??
These look extremely well laid out. Can not see any small cats that come close to the overall design.
I would need to relocate one to the UK and wondered if anyone has had experience in obtaining a CE certification for this boat?
Are there any in Europe?
Any comments on the sea worthiness as it is only 32'.
I would use the boat in coastal water mainly. Maybe a channel crossing at a later date.
Any comments or advice welcome.
I don't know about europe, but if you look on my blog (below) you will find many stories and many useful PDQ links.
Seaworthiness? They are VERY sturdy and I have heard of no catastrophic failures other than
boats being tossed on-shore in huricanes.
Capsize? Yes, it has happened, but it is as safe as a 32' boat can be. People have done some foolish things. I can say that reefing is not needed until 25 knots, though I doubt a
hull would come out of the water without wave action until 35 knots, since I have sailed through 30 knots with all
canvas up and tight (gusts).