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Old 30-04-2009, 04:39   #1
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The Young Man Takes to the Sea . . .

Perhapes this is not the place to put htis, but here goes nothing, I am a 23 year old male, who has become disenchanted with the world around me. I have always had an affection for the water, and when I am away from the ocean, it is almost like i become a diffrent person.

Here i am, in the middle of California, near the capital, and i need to make a move. My lease is out in several months (Sept), and when that happens, i plan to leave California behind, or at least, start making plans to.

I do not have much money at all, and can scrape together a few thousand dollars, i have been looking at Catalina's and Oday's as a starting point, in the 25 foot area, big enough to sail anywhere, small enough for 1 man to handle.

I have sailing experience from when i was younger, just sailing around in small sailboats, such as Sunfish.

Seeing the very helpful members, and staff, i felt compelled to registar, and post my story. Now the bad part... I do not know any people who are sailors, and have no connections to the sailing scene.

Having monitored Boat prices for several to many months, i think this is the time for me to start entertaining the thought of buying a Sailboat on the Cheap, bast case, for 2-3 grand, or cheaper.

Essentialy the plan is to get some experience on the docks, and hopefully on the sea. Find and buy a sailboat, and prepare to sail to the American South-East (if buying boat in Northern California) or to travel to the South-East, and buy a sailboat there, but i need to get my plan down by September. My mother is from the caribean, and i have loved the islands my whole life. I would want to sail around the islands, to get my sea legs, for as long as it takes. I also plan on writing at least one, if not several books, as well as having an unhealthy amount of books onboard.

Now about me, i am fiercly independent, well suited to being alone, and have a very quick mind. I am willing to any work nessicary, and am eager to learn skills. I am also somewhat of a minimalist.

My point in posting here, is to share my thoughts with those that are more knowledgeable then me, and far more Experienced, and then to get their reactions, to either my gross niavity, or general incompetence. Or maybe there would be someone who needs some work done, or someone that is looking to get a crusier off their hands.

I would also appreciate any input on the Types of sailboats? And which would be best as a live-aboard, and a crusier, with eventualy sights on long inter-continental voyages.

I basicly would appreciate any input, of any kind, even if it is a joke at my expense (as long as there is a point to it)
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Old 30-04-2009, 05:22   #2
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I want to get a sailboat, and live aboard...

To quote Nike - JUST DO IT.

Some boats to consider

I am sure there are others. Good book - Twenty Small Sailboats to Take You Anywhere , John Vigor.
Ship O' Fools
It was the Law of the Sea, they said. Civilization ends at the waterline. Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top. - HST
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Old 05-05-2009, 12:03   #3
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An identical thread was started here:

So I've closed this one to avoid confusion.
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