Hey folks,
posting on here last, ive hauled my
family down the american river system from the
great lakes to the
gulf of mexico and have been enjoying pensacolas mild climate quite thoroghly.
We had to ditch the 1980
nissan 8hp
2 stroke at a marina that was conviniently owned by a guy who also owned a
mercury marine dealership, so now i have this rediculous 150# efi
remote start fancy pants XL shaft high thrust 15 horse up in the v berth. If anyone wants, dm me - its got 98h on it and under warrenty. I had to get all the doo dads so.... but i digress. No other major replairs were incurred. Our ev inboard is also amply suitable to life at
anchor, 200ah and i use 5-20a under
power (20a is approaching 5knts on glass).
We are planning on sailing south to the keys on the first fair window of march, laying over and hitting the publix on marathon, then catching the next window towards the usvi/pr.
My 1st mate (step-son) is 15 and cannot get a passport without his bio dads signature, and said dude was deported to
mexico a decade ago and got involved in something shady and.. isnt avaliable to sign off on the passport... so we are planning on sailing north from the keys about to
jacksonville, reprovisioning again, and then rumlining towards a point about 50nm south of
bermuda before heading dead south to st thomas. Now here come the questions
1) as pertains to the
gulf stream (something my
great lakes native self has no experience with) ive heard its best to go north than sail ENE or NE until youve crossed it. Is
jacksonville far enough? Id rather shorten that northerly coastal leg is possible.
2) them 'canes. We originally were aiming for cape fear area as a final
destination (ugh accidental pun.
Wood knocked.) But ive heard we're noticably less likely to encounter a major
hurricane as far south as the usvi (i know, less likely =/= unlikely). Thoughts on the likelihood and suitability of the greater usvi/PR area during the summer months? I love the heat
3) distance from
bermuda. I have my STEP son and not his mother aboard, and he has no passport or official ID. I have his birth cert (state issued). I will also have a copy of my wifes ID which matches said cert, and a notarized letter from her authorizing the trip. I want to deal with as few
customs and immigration people as possible, and would love any and all
advice about departing flordia direct for usvi
customs, how close to get to bermuda (not stopping), or any other relevant consideration i might be missing.
fish. FISH. i want to troll for pelagics (thats right, right? Tuna and mahi mahi and ... sushi) soooo bad and have very little
fishing experience that didnt involve casting from shore. Ive read and youtubed hand lines and lures and baits and etc fairly thoroghly but am curious if theres a favorite setup (i will not be storing ballywho. Ballyhoo? Ballyhow? Or etc meat aboard as we have zero refridgeration. I do have 37 salted pork loins and 12 salted chuck roasts however, so if thats a thing let me know.) From what ive read ill likely be grabbing 2 deep
diving xrap types (colors? Sizes?) And 2
islander squid type lures (same, colors? Sizes?) Along with a cedar
plug and some j hooks. How far astern? Speed relevant only in vessel controllability or? Time of day? Any
advice or things you may know that i clearly dont are amply welcome.
Please do feel free to poke holes in anything i may be overlooking, and as always any/all advice is deeply appreciated. Witbout this forum and its knowledgable members i very well may have not succeeded thus far - so thank you all in post and in advance!
Ps. Typing on
phone in mild swells, sorry for less than stellar grammar/spelling/syntax
Pps. As pertains to general concerns about experience and the length of these passages, my longest stint underway was the chicago mac on lake michigan and back a few times. I feel confidant that crew,
captain, and ship are fully versed on the realities of sailing 500nm, then 500nm, then 2000nm ish. My spare locker is organized and full. My rig is literally awesome. Sailing tackle and lines etc inspected and in good order with spares, we have several new
books and three completely untouched d&d campaigns (lots and lots of offline entertainment value). Our
food stores are ample, our
solar is strong, our
motor is fit, i see no troublesome corrosion/creaks/cracks/squeaks/groans/moans/blisters/broken tabbing etc etc. Fit and fine as far as the finest comb i have + a month of shakedown
sails can tell.
Anyway. Thanks in advance and may your wives always think it smells good down below.