This is an older thread, and I'm not sure what I wrote before, but when onboard we generally shower perhaps once per week. We wash ourselves down every day (morning for me, or as needed), but generally only shower weekly, unless otherwise needed.
Up here in the higher latitudes (~50ºN range) we aren't bathed in sweat all day long. Nor do we bath in the sea much either. Plus, our shower is a cockpit version, and we have no water maker, so water is precious.
The coldest shower I ever took was in (I think) Aviron Bay in the stream at the head.
The coldest shower I ever took was in (I think) Aviron Bay in the stream at the head.
I hope I get there someday. My boat is still up in Lewisporte, although thanks to the pandemic border closures, I am not. I'm not sure when I'll be allowed to get back to The Rock. Hopefully this coming Spring/Summer, although given current disease trajectories, I'm no longer certain...