Here is the inside Aussie advice.... you get your hands on a copy of Alan Lucas's "Cruising the
Coral Coast" (8th edition is the most recent) which gives you all the tidal flow info, approaches, passages,
anchorages etc. The guide covers from the NSW border on the south right round to Darwin. It truly is considered the bible here. Perhaps the best cruising guide anywhere. It goes for about $75 AUD and is available from most chandleries, marina offices or from me. It will add to your enjoyment and comfort whilst cruising the
Queensland coast. Of course you will have the proper paper
You are correct in sizing up the issues of tide and shallow
water. care must be taken and important to have the correct info but no problem with those areas covered.
Shipping there requires the
service of a local pilot. A freind of mine runs "Australian Reef Pilots" on Thursday Island (TI) where you can pick up your copy of The Coastal Passage!