It has been some time since I first posted Minggat here
for sale. I was blown away by the number of views and contacts. But she's still available. I even had a buyer pithing 5 weeks, but his wife slapped some sense into him. I am noticing an uptick in views. But things have changed, including what is being offered, so I hope this update is welcomed.
I am very much aware that there are
boats out there with lesser asking prices. If you compare, you will see the differences between a weekend
boat and a
cruise ready
Please see both video attached, and please hit like. Thanks For looking
Minggat is a 1973
Islander 36. These
boats are sought after for their performance and strength of design. The skeg hung
rudder is popular with cruisers.
She has been maintained and extensively upgraded and made stronger than factory in many areas. Sistering in 8 additional
keel bolts among other things, has given the
current owner much peace of mind for ocean passages.
She is currently in the cruising
destination of
Fiji, with an asking
price of $42,500
Minggat has been on the market for 3 months as of this moment. There have been lots of views and a hand full of contacts. Now the
South Pacific cruising season is nearly upon us, and the contacts are increasing.I have learned a couple of things that I want to share.
It’s not easy to be a buyer. It’s also not easy to be a seller. I have received some request for details that are already covered in the listing. This can be an indication of a buyer that isn’t serious. I welcome questions. Please review your questions against the listing. Most do. Some are just dreaming with free clicks.
I am aware that buyers have sone their market
research and found that this asking
price is higher than many
Islander 36’s .This is not a low-end boat. Yet something sparks potential buyers to reach out.
For those interested in getting into the cruising life, know this. That the
learning curve is steep and expensive. As one who has poured a lot of time and labor and
money into my 25 years of
ownership, I cannot emphasize enough that
buying a lesser factory augmented or outfitted boat is a false economy.
Do you really want to be spending and working rather than cruising.
You have the opportunity to bypass $o much of the
learning curve. My pain is your gain.
Dodger hardtop.
Stern arch.
Boarding ladder.
Minimal exterior
2 Spinlok PFD’s
Electronics -
NMEA 2000.
weather sensor (masthead).
AIS transponder,
Furuno radar DSR4.
Furuno MFD with Cmap
Simrad IS42 display, with condition shift alarms.
VHF with RAM mic.
inReach Explorer.
Simrad tiller pilot (for
windvane steering system).
Hydrovane self steering windvane (independent
rudder system).
Ground tackle-
Lofrans X2
Power windlass with chain counter.
Sarca Excell 66lb primary
anchor with integral breakout system.
Delta secondary
200 ft new chain.
Sail system-
Harken roller furling.
Stack pack with integral Lazy jacks.
Full batten main.
Spring vang.
2 headsails.
Asymmetric spinnaker.
Additional light air sail.
Whisker pole.
4 of the 8 winches aboard are
self tailing winches.
All new chainplates and standing
rigging 2016.
keel bolts, 16 total.
Encapsulated prop strut.
Tabbed in bulkheads, no creaking under sail.
Cockpit scuppers relocated above the waterline and thru hulls enlarged.
Water maker.
Military grade stand alone
refrigerator. (typically consumes 12 AH through the night, with other LED indicator lights)
Separate digitally controlled
2 burner stove/oven.
propane tanks (2)
2500 watt
Solar 280 watts.
Lithium 200 ah house
Optima start
3 automatic
bilge pumps with alarms.
New manual
bilge pump.
Latching, interlocking
bilge covers.
Perkins 4/108 aux
diesel engine.
heat exchanger.
Fuel polishing systems (2). Goldenrod
Fuel strainer.
2 Racors.
Perkins spin on filter. (No canister)
Flexofold folding prop.
Spare fixed blade prop.
The Vee berth features 4 custom made latex foam Sealy Serta mattresses, (not cushions), which are designed to pull out easily for access to
storage beneath, yet fit snugly together for a seamless
single mattress sleeping quarter
The primary military grade refrigerator/freezer draws as little as 12 amp hrs through the night.
New upholstery with extra material.
Minggat is a blister free
hull, with tabbed in bulkheads, additional sistered in
keel bolts, and an encapsulated prop strut.
Engine mounts are machine bolted to glasses in plates. Not lag bolted to
wood in stringers.
The 30 gallon
aluminum fuel tank has a clean out access plate. There is a stand alone fuel polishing system as well as a separate capacity to polish the fuel in the normal fuel flow path.
She has been upgraded and modernized extensively. The original windows are long gone, with new cast
acrylic port lights and hatches.
The robust systems aboard have been refined and proven during ocean passages. Now she is already in one of of worlds most popular cruising destinations.
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