Originally Posted by Siberian Sea
There are three major types of panels to choose from. Although they all function the same they are not equal in efficiency rates of charge. Monocrystalline (mono-so) are 20% , Polycrystalline (p-si) are 15% and thé flexible Thin-film Amorphous silicone (A-si) are 5-10% efficient. If possible choose the Monocrystalline for their higher efficiency. They cost a little more but in the long run you will be more pleased.
That used to be true but the efficiency of poly has been boosted and you can pack more cell area on a panel because they are rectangular while mono has cells that are almost octagonal leaving much unused space on the panel.
The simplest and most accurate way to compare panels is therefore simply to look at the wattage per square meter (or foot) of panel, regardless of their technology.
For example if you have a panel of 300 W that measures 1 meter by 2 then you have 150 W per square meter.