Hello everybody
I am a user of
OpenCPN from -/+2 year ago.
I Use
Opencpn on a raspberry 4
I have made a update of my OS Buster V 10.13.
The complet info of the Raspi:
om OS : GNU/Linux
Noyau : #1642 SMP Mon Apr 3 17:22:30 BST 2023
Relase : 6.1.21-v7l+
Debian : 10.13 buster
Nom PC : PiOpencpn
Machine : armv7l
Model Pi: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1
I have also made a upgrade of the previous OpenCpn version to the new one (5.8.4).
The OS and
software are installed on a SSD 128Gb.
screen is a Wimaxit 10" touch
After this new release, I have some trouble:
When I double click on a objet (buoy or tide bar), the new windows open behind the main window of openCPN.
As I use the full screen mode, I don't see the info windows, I must go back in normal mode view mode, so I see the tab and I must maximize this tab to have the info on front.
Another problem, With the touch screen, the sub menu are not activate , a click on the menu bar give the sub menu, but I can't clik on the sub menu.
With a standard mouse, this fonction
work perfectly.
If anybody have a idee to resolve those problem....
Many thanks