Originally Posted by CarCode
The problem is the OpenCPN people has choosen to use wxWidgets libraries instead of the Qt libraries. When they have seen that they have been blocked by themselfs it was too late to switch to Qt. Too many work was done already and to rewrite OpenCPN for Qt was impossible.
In the early days of OpenCPN there was even no OpenCPN version for macOSX available because of the limitations of wxWidgets.
I don't know why and I don't care much but there seems also to be a lot of problems using Linux with OpenCPN. For any version and distribution it is obviously needed a special OpenCPN. The goal of having one code for all systems has failed.
Better use a navigation software like qtVlm which is based onto Qt and works with any operating system, with PC systems as well as with Apples macOS or iOS or even Android.
See qtVlm: https://www.meltemus.com/index.php/en/
I would love to learn qtVlm. I've tried a few times, installed it, loaded
charts, and got it communicating with my
GPS and
boat systems with no problem.
But after that holy smokes is it difficult. I have 10 hours with it at least, and still haven't been able to create a simple
route between 2 points. Everything I try, I get confused with the authors having misused or redefined the meanings of the words "route", "waypoint", and "track". Those words mean completely different things in qtVlm, so creating a
route does something totally different than creating a route in OpenCPN.
The best I could do was get to a properties page where I give the route a name, set start times etc., but never could figure out how to draw it and add waypoints.
Maybe some peoples minds work differently and qtVlm is easy and OpenCPN is more difficult. But for me, OCPN is pretty simple, and qtVLM just makes no sense at all.