It all worked! probably need to include sqlite3.dll in the source.
Here are a few comments and suggestions.
1. Delete sounding right click works through one or two points.
2. Does not apply to spotsoundings "use variamble depthcolours" or is this feature not implemented?
3. Font color does not change.
4. Switching to the "Profile" tab results in a CPN error.
5. None of the "Boat size,
Sensor position" amendments
6. Auto start of the new survey from the distance of the last soundings does not
7. In the title of the new Survey does not understand the name in Cyrillic. Causes CPN Error
8. When the "Calculate tide" is off, the correction is still applied. Until you enter "0"
9. So it is not clear why the "+" and "-" buttons do not
10. The "Properties" button does not display Survey properties.
11. The "Zoom to" button does not display the entire Survey area on the
screen but only the start of the recording.
12. In the Survey window, recording statistics are not updated in real time.
13. Tide values in the table are always 0.
14. It should be possible to hide the Survey window.
15. There must be a working
keel offset correction.
16. Two depths should be recorded raw from the sonar
sensor and with the correction of the
water level.
Mike, is it possible to do something like a video?
Construction of a bathymetric map in real time