Originally Posted by sailorboy1
Did that stop the odor in that locker?
Yes so far

but I really don't want to jinx things.
I have also been treating all the sink/shower drains and the heads with Zaal Noflex powder as directed on the label religiously. This product really seems to work well for our boat.
The first week we owned the boat I rebuilt the original Jabsco heads and the stench when pulling the joker valves was almost lethal. I just replaced them again after two seasons last week and there was zero odour whatsoever. I did the following in my quest to have an clean smelling boat.
Last season I pulled the holding tank top vent fitting off and cleaned it really well as there was almost no air getting through. I also treated both systems with a really serious muriatic acid soak through all the black water hoses via the
head. I flushed the system through with plenty of fresh water afterwards and pumped out. Finally I filled the holding
tanks via the heads each with about 8 litres of liquid tide, followed by lots and lots of hotwater until the
tanks were full and let them sit for a couple of days, then went and pumped out the tanks, and refilled with fresh water, and pumped out again twice. It wasn't until we had done all of this that I declared victory. The boat was 18 years old when we bought it.
The raritan macerators work really well, and the smart switch function prevents you from damaging it by running it once the tank is empty. If
money was no object I would put an electrosan in the aft holding tank area, and a new
electric head in the aft. However
money is an object, so I'm hoping that what I did above will be enough to correct things, and then I'll only have to do proactive
maintenance from now on. Time will tell. I wouldn't mind doubling the venting of each holding tank but the question is how as access is a pain.