Originally Posted by rusky
Well, I dont know powwerboats well. I do know the water you are intending to travel
You have 165 Hp and 500 L. This must limit you to 80+/-20 hours running. Fuel is in Seisia via jerrycan, At Gove - Perkins Fuel wharf and at Darwin. Also the Trinity Bay Can sell fuel , but only has large nozzle, high speed delivery.
100L water is not enough.
PortaPotti is not good for cruising - need holding tanks and macerator for Qld
Usually SE trades are in 24/7 most of the year. May be up to 45kn for weeks at a time. Can you sit through that or plow through that??
ie:need a sailboat..... (couldnt resist)
Saying all this, Great place to cruise. See ya up there.
G'day Rusky,
Thanks for your opinions, much appreciated mate.
I have also been looking at sailboats, 36 to 45' (Epoxy/Ply Trimarans and
Ferro Cement monos) but I can't ignore the fact that I'm getting to be a bit long in the tooth (almost 70) and my sailing experience is not a lot, so if I had any problems with
sails that needed someone going up the
mast, I could find myself in trouble. That got me thinking a
power boat would be best for me and the dog. I do have a lot of experience with
power, ships and
commercial fishing boats. I like the Gullwing because of her size and as she draws less than 2', thought she would be a good
boat for cruising the area of the Qld coast and Top-End, with perhaps the odd trip to
Indonesia or Timor, anyway, it looks like the Gullwing is not a suitable boat for my needs, not enough space to add extra tanks,
toilet and macerator so...I'll keep searching for a suitable boat. BTW, I can sit for as long as I need to wherever I take a liking to. Thanks again Rusky.