Cruisers Forum

Conversation Between Sea Wolf and tbone
Showing Profile Comments 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Sea Wolf
    sorry it's taken me so long to respond. We've had a hectic summer with visits to and from kids and grandchildren. It's certainly easier to communicate via email, so I'll add yours to my address book. You can reach me directly (Loree @

    To answer your question, yes, we do have a washer/dryer combo on the boat. It's made by Splendide and it works very well. It's one unit and goes immediately from wash to dry, but the tub is small and it takes quite awhile for the clothes to dry. Generally, I wash things and then walk the wet clothing up to the marina dryer (2-3 boat wash loads = 1 marina dryer load), or just hang things overnight on hangars in the boat. They're always dry by morning. When we go cruising, we'll hang wet clothing on the rigging and life lines, as we did before. Can't do that now as it would be offensive to the condo owners at the marina.

    Take care and stay in touch.

  2. tbone
    Loree Do you have A washer and A dryer on bord and do you think it is worth the waight. tbone
  3. tbone
    my email is tbone7at if you want to use that. terry
  4. tbone
    Hellow Loree. Thanks for the friend. although I dont write mutch or often And I cant spell. or type. And spell check does not seam to work.
    My work is outside maintaining county roads.
    But I need to learn about creuising some where. To tell you the truth.
    I cant realy think of any thing els. I think it is A sickness or A desiese or somthing that gets in your blood and takes over your thought process and controls me.
    I guess I am not realy in to the hole sailing thing as mutch as the cruising.
    I know I have A long way to go till I am on the big pond. and I dont see how I am goin to survive 10 years.
    You are kind of an insperation to me with you refiting your own boat.
    That is one way to get everything you want. And the way you want it.
    I can fix or build about anything. But I commit myself to to mutch.
  5. Sea Wolf
    Got your message. We had hoped to leave last month, but the economy being what it is, we've decided to work for another year, then head north up to the Chesapeake to spend time with the family... then south for the winter... maybe Florida again or down Island... after that? We'll see. Good luck with your search. If you see anything in South Florida that you think is interesting, let us know... if it's close enough to Miami we can check it out for you.

    Aboard SeaWolf
  6. tbone
    You did A great job. and I like the size of your vessel.
    We want A cat large enough that you can walk to bolth sides of the bed in the master stateroom. she dosnot want to clime over me. and I dont want to clime over her. for my frequent trips to the head.
    So whene are you goin to raise the sails.
    and where are you going. I wish it was me. tbone
  7. Sea Wolf
    Saw that you're interested in a cat. Bill and I live aboard a Prout Quasar (49') and really like her. We did a complete refit over a 7 year period and are ready to go cruising again. You can see what we did at Click on the SeaWolf Page link.

    Prior to owning SeaWolf, we cruised aboard a 33' Gemini Catamaran (built by Performance Cruising in Annapolis, MD) and loved her. Plenty of room and good performance.

    If we can be of any help, let us know.

    Loree Alderisio
    Aboard SeaWolf

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