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Old 07-03-2019, 03:02   #1
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G’day From north Queensland, Australia

Joined here a few months ago but hav’nt posted until now.
I’m considering selling everything and taking to the water fulltime.(easier said than done though:-)
Right now i’m reading, learning and trying to gain on water experience as i go.
Done my competent crew and now doing the Dayskipper theory to better understand Nav and chart.
I work on just about anything, mechanical(suck,squeeze,bang,blow), Electrical stuff(Dont let the smoke or light out if them little wires,its too hard to put back in), Weld(MIG, TIG, etc etc) Graduated from the school of Macgiver:-)
Looking for a way to change life for the wetter.
Cheers for all the threads and their input, Look forward to reading you all and learning as i go.
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Old 07-03-2019, 03:11   #2
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Re: G’day From north Queensland, Australia

G'day Newsplash and welcome, one word of caution when selling everything to go on the water. A boat is not an investment, its a depreciating asset. I have seen to many have the dream, sell everthing and have the dream turn into a nightmare.
Believe it or not I am not trying to turn you off cruising, we love it but have a home base we can always return to. Just go in with your eyes open and all your research done. Its amazing how little you have to spend to get a good boat and enjoy the cruising lifestyle. Lots of restrictions in Australia particulary the more populated areas in regard to living on boats and anchoring. Check the restrictions in NSW, its crazy.
If you are half a handy man and go the majority of the work on a boat itself your a long way in front already. Just a few points to ponder.

Greg H
Lake Macquarie
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Old 07-03-2019, 03:35   #3
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Re: G’day From north Queensland, Australia

Greetings and welcome aboard the CF, Newsplash.
Gord May
"If you didn't have the time or money to do it right in the first place, when will you get the time/$ to fix it?"

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Old 07-03-2019, 04:58   #4
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Re: G’day From north Queensland, Australia

Oz Sailer: Thanks for the welcome and kind words,I appreciate them mate.
I’ve done alot of realistic thought on it(Beyond the romanticised initial dream), and continue to whilst weighing up the Risk/Reward factors and the actual viability of it as a realistic option longterm. Thanks again mate :-)

Cheers for the welcome GordMay:-)
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Old 07-03-2019, 05:49   #5
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Re: G’day From north Queensland, Australia

Gday Newsplash, Ive lived aboard for nearly 14 years on the Australian coast, predominately Queensland, and know of many lifelong liveaboards that love life on the ocean. At present I am renovating a house and living in it at the same time. After living on the ocean so long I find living on land quite tortuous. If you are permanently attached to your tv and dishwasher and your daily visit to the local cafe with your dog in tow followed by a long hot shower then life on the ocean may not be for you. If you seek adventure and meaning in your life amongst mostly likeminded and incredible people, then embrace a life on the ocean, I could not recommend it highly enough. Owning a house in Oz right now is not a good idea anyway, we are on the verge of the biggest reduction in housing prices in our history. I am working on this house to get rid of it before the market gets any worse. Nearly all reputable economists in Australia are predicting a further 10 to 20% above the current 10% in 2019, so a great time to get out.

Boat selection is key here, the basics are important, power generation and storage, water capacity or production, refrigeration etc. Simple effective easily maintained systems are far better than complex expensive difficult to maintain systems. Hull materials are also very important, fibreglass is probably the easiest to maintain, old carvel planked timber hulls possibly the hardest to maintain. I have had great results with the british copper coat/shield antifoul, it is ten years since I antifouled. Mono or Multi is another choice that has a large role to play in the successful pursuit of life at sea. If I was cruising in predominately higher latitudes I would consider a monohull, for Queensland coastal cruising a cat has many advantages. I rarely if ever use marinas and enjoy life on anchor. If you like the idea of spending time in marinas then a mono might be a better choice, marina fees for my boat in abel point marina at airlie beach were in excess of 700 dollars a week in 2008, I have a 44ft catamaran. Monos are far cheaperto keep in a marina than multis. I have not hauled out my boat for nine years either, cats can simply sit on a beach to undertake simple maintenance jobs like replacing skin fittings cutlass bearings etc. Haul outs can be quite expensive. Monos can be careened and or beached depending on their design, something to consider when contemplating your prospective aquisition. With larger vessels there is always a question of ownership, but not the one you might expect. The area of confusion lies in actually which is the owner and which the chattel, I am convinced my boat actually owns me as I find it difficult to escape its constant demands. Less complexity and easily and cheaply maintained systems will increase your long term enjoyment and may even lead to a delusional state in which you perceive yourself as the owner. I have seen large catamarans with 4 toilets and associated holding tanks, plumbing, skin fittings, wiring etc.. I hope the chattels are hard working and not really interested in enjoying life on the ocean. Clearly they prefer repairing toilets and dishwashers etc. To snorkelling and fishing or walking on a deserted beach. Each to his own I guess.

Goodluck with whatever you choose to do and if you are entertained by the inane ramblings of a land locked sailor feel free to pm me with any questions you have about suitable boats for cruising. If nothing else I might raise questions that you may not have considered previously. Choosing a boat is a very personal experience and finding what best suits you may differ greatly from the next person. One simply needs look no further than the vast array of different automobiles on our roads, even those tasked with the same roles, to understand the diversity of both needs and tastes. May the seas be calm and the winds be at your back always.
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Old 07-03-2019, 13:30   #6
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Re: G’day From north Queensland, Australia

Good onya mate, Thanks.
We seem to have have lived reverse role lives. For the last 14years i’ve been living ashore,with a mortgage on something i refer to as the “Brick anchor”. I too am in the process of tidying up the house whilst waiting for the market to get to a point where i MIGHT manage to get out without debt and perhaps enough left over that i could buy a boat, but thats a BIG might..
Your advice is solid and i thank you very much.
Initially i was looking at catamarans,(custom,Simpson,crowther,schionning etc) learning,sussing out the pros & cons etc.(from hull materials and design to engine and drive systems and daggerboard/keels,bridgedeck clearance to galley up/galley down and everything inbetween.)
The space and uptop living is attractive,not to mention the draft benifits but its nearly impossible to find something that i could sail solo on and dream of ever affording. Currently im looking and learning monos and feel that its more of a realistic goal to both afford & sail solo/shorthanded.
But: iam still buying lottery tickets
My current ‘marks’ for research: 35-45ft monos.(Bowman,ericson/olsen,Sayer, etc)
I hope your house is coming along well mate and life is treating you well.
Thanks again for taking the time and thoughts:-)
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Old 07-03-2019, 14:09   #7
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Re: G’day From north Queensland, Australia

Welcome aboard Newsplash, you'll be bound to get plenty of advice here.

. Nearly all reputable economists in Australia are predicting a further 10 to 20% above the current 10% in 2019, so a great time to get out.
And who would they be exactly?
Are they the same ones that have been calling it for the last ten years while prices rose?

Steve Keen, probably the most "reputable" at the time famously sold his Sydney property just before prices there boomed.
He also made a bet that prices would crash, the loser got to walk up Mt Kosciuszko
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Old 07-03-2019, 16:37   #8
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Re: G’day From north Queensland, Australia

Welcome to Cruisers forum and good luck with your quest. 2 Years down the track, am still averaging 3 weeks of working on the boat to 1 day of sailing. Hope your percentage is better.
Also big hit maybe 20% soon after purchase but living costs are cheaper if you stay out of Marinas.
Please do amend your information on left panel below Ikon, and tell us where you are and other, helps us to help you.
"The floggings will continue until morale improves"
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Old 08-03-2019, 00:15   #9
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Re: G’day From north Queensland, Australia

Simi60: cheers for the welcome and the property market commentry..Gold

Oceanride007: Thanks for the welcome, it’ll all be worth it when its finished mate, keep your chin up and winning one task at a time. Good onya.
I will try to do a profile thing when i work out how.
I’m 40yo bloke, Mackay region.
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Old 08-03-2019, 00:55   #10
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Re: G’day From north Queensland, Australia

Originally Posted by Simi 60 View Post
Welcome aboard Newsplash, you'll be bound to get plenty of advice here.

And who would they be exactly?
Are they the same ones that have been calling it for the last ten years while prices rose?

Steve Keen, probably the most "reputable" at the time famously sold his Sydney property just before prices there boomed.
He also made a bet that prices would crash, the loser got to walk up Mt Kosciuszko
Look at what is happening, 10-13% sydney drop from peak so far, Melbourne 10%. The banking Royal commission has had a impact on lending, banks have tightened up considerably.

Look at the data, take emotion out of it, core lodgic, DFA present the data clearly. Credit has tightened dramatically, property prices have been heavily driven by easy credit.

Reality is there are many reasons to suggest the housing market will continue to fall, few reasons to suggest it will stabilise or rise. I've been tracking 40 properties for the last 5 mths very, very few have sold.

In fairness to Steve Keen (although I'm not a fan) his reasoning and lodgic wasn't incorrect, but like many he failed to predict how loose monetary policy would become.

BTW, I own property, and survive on rental income.
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Old 08-03-2019, 01:05   #11
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Re: G’day From north Queensland, Australia

Yes...yes...Thrilling... But where i live the only thing that dictates median house price is how positive the mining companies spin things, not how much a limpwristed mochalottabullshit or perm costs in Sydney or melbourne..
Thanks for the welcome
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Australia, queensland

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