In some previous post I smugly announced I had nothing purely decorative on board that wasn't in some way useful. Well, I had forgotten a few items

Christmas tree and stockings were pulled out as usual on the first of December (for the sixth time on board) and set up with the help of a nip of Scotch and some dark chocolate - of course I was purely taste testing these to make sure they are suitable to leave out for Santa on
Christmas Eve

Each visit ashore in the last week I have come back with goodies from the bakery here on a little Greek island in the
Cyclades, my favourite being rich almond biscuits coated in thick icing sugar and marzipan treats. Chocolate has mysteriously been find its way on board too. The hot chocolate I ordered yesterday in town must have been made by dissolving an entire block in hot milk! I sat there grinning like a Cheshire cat while sipping it. Would have even have had a second one had I not been saved by the bus leaving

So at this time of year I find myself doing things I normally would not: festooning the
saloon with purely decorative items and indulging in way too much rich
What is everyone else doing in the lead up to Christmas?
What has been your best Christmas on board?
Happy festive season everyone and all the very best for 2013.
All ready for Santa here
