Hi folks,
Looking for a little bit of guidance here.
The situation is that my
boat has old
Lewmar coastline hatches that have reached the end of their life. For those of you that will inevitably start telling me, "Why don't you just replace the lenses?" I'm not going to do it. These things are shot. Bent, corroded, leaking, bad handles, bad
latches, crazed
acrylic and some of the bolts and rivets have fallen apart. In short, they're dead.
Lewmar no longer produces the coastline hatches.
So now my problem... What do I replace them with? I want to avoid changing the cutout size in the
deck. The hatches are size 60.
Do any of you know the most direct size replacement? I've found a lot of information online that gives conflicting cutout sizes. I've spoken to 2 dealers/service centers that also gave conflicting info. So now I'm
Ideally, I'd like to move to the Ocean series, but the low profile seems to be the most direct fit. Maybe the Ocean with the flat base?
Have any of you undertaken this?