I just joined for the express reason of answering your question.
We have owned a PY26 for 4 seasons. Overall I rate the boat high. Its a little faster sailing than expected and a little dryer than my
Ericson 27.
I did have some trouble with my inboard
Yanmar diesel, but mostly my fault for not looking after the
exhaust maintenance and allowing seawater into my
engine cylinder.
Other than that it has been a very good cruiser. We have taken it from our homeport of Mystic, Ct. as far as
Nantucket and
Long Island. She has space to comfortably
cruise 2 or 3 for as long as you can find
food and a
washing machine to freshen your
laundry. She can handle 25
knot breeze and 4-6 foot seas. We find it more comfortable in the 10-15 range. You can expect cruising speeds around 4-5 knots most of the time. We have seen speeds from 0 up to 6 on our
GPS in areas where
current was minimal.
Origo stove has been good to cook on. The ice box is spacious but need a regular resupply of ice, expecially if you use the
engine to warm it up

You have to keep the
bilge pumped. Otherwise the shallow
bilge can wash up into the underseat
storage areas during large heal angles (I estimate 20 degrees or more). Its best to bag or have sensitive items in plastic bins.
Call if you want more info. 860-647-1941 or
PS. Mine is
for sale.