Now I get it. It's all about common sense Of course, for some of us, going west from here would have to be out to sea. That is not a bad thing. Are you anticipating a tip for this valuable information?
Like most of my brilliant ideas I offer this one free.
A Tip in England is a garbage dump. The sign that says " No tipping " means do not dump your garbage here.
We have no dock flunkies at our yatchit club. Sometimes on windy days other boaters will help hold the boat while you are docking. Thank you is the usual appropriate response. Buying a beer for the helper can also be a good idea.
No dock flunkies at our club either. Just a bunch of sailors who genuinely want to make guests feel welcome. The beer is tradition.
As for "tip", it is actually an acromym: To Insure Promptness. Leave it to you guys who talk funny to trash a perfectly good acronym