we spent last summer in the abacos aboard our
boat. we anchored out all but one week when we stayed at mangos marina in marsh harbor.
from what i've seen, most businesses are only too happy to help you out,
marinas included. the locals are really friendly and could certainly use the business - they've suffered with the economy as much as we have. at mangos, you buy some tokens at the office for the machines. i don't think they would turn you down. in any case, if you're chartering out of marsh harbor your marina has a coin
laundry too.
don't bring a lot of clothes. shorts, t-shirts, swim trunks, flip flops,
water shoes. maybe a light windbreaker. leave the jeans home. you'll have enough
water on the
boat to do a bucket laundry while you're anchored out. no need to commit precious hours of your week hanging out in a laundromat. and like us, i'll bet you will come to LOVE the abacos.
and if you like to go shelling, here's a little known secret. the best shelling in the abacos is in the laundry room at mangos marina. someone, somehow, filled two large tubs with small shells and left them in the laundry. each tub must weigh 100 lbs. my wife brought back a large jar of them which she found in the tubs while waiting for the laundry....