Hi folks -
newbie here.
I did a search of all
forums here but haven't come up with any info.
I crew for a buddy on annual cruises. He's an
Annapolis based
live-aboard, previously on a
Pearson 424, now on a
Bavaria 47. Generally he ventures out for the month of August, typically to
New England, although some recent trips include
Bermuda and an extended trip to the
Typical pattern is to aim to be in a larger port each weekend to accommodate crew changes, since most of us are working stiffs that can only get away for a week, two max. The system has worked very well.
Last year's trip got as far north as
Halifax, and stops down the NS coast from there before returing to the States in
Maine. We all loved each and every stop in
Canada. We want to return this year, except time logistics
work against the main aim of exploring Bras d'Or and northern
Nova Scotia. Therefore we are considering chartering a
boat for the trip. A quick web search has not turned up anything - does anybody have a source for a
bareboat charter available, most likely from
Halifax I would presume? We'd be looking for a 2 or 3 week period, late summer, with accommodations for 6 +/-.
Great forum, any leads appreciated.