1) You must "pre-register" with Herb nowadays (his new procedures are on his website....)
South Bound II VAX498 - Ship routing and weather forecasting
And, I believe he will do routing on HF-SSB, even if you do not have an HF-SSB transmitter....but DO have an HF-SSB receiver, and a way to send him daily weather and position reports...
If you ask him ahead of time, and make assurances to send him daily reports via e-mail while underway (to give him daily weather and position reports), he should still be able to give you decent weather routing...(note that he DID this, this past spring/summer, but you must ask him ahead of time to confirm that he will do so again!!!!)
But, phone call routing from Herb, is not available.....so, if you've got no
SSB on-board and no e-mail capability, then you're stuck talking by sat phone with a paid weather router....
{Without an
SSB transceiver on-board (albeit rare), I assume the
boat DOES have at least HF-SSB receive for US NWS/NOAA
Offshore / Hi-Seas weather broadcasts via USCG....and also assume that it DOES have some sort of sat comm data conection capability???}
2) And, I assume that you and/or the owner have made arrangements for use of sat comm when in a heavy weather??? (such as a fixed ext ant and/or a full
docking station w/ fixed ext ant.)
As, trying to talk to a weather router on a handheld sat phone, when out in the
cockpit, when the weather is bad, etc. is VERY problematic...almost impossible!!!
And, trying to get a data connection to
work with a handheld sat phone without a fixed ext
antenna isn't easy even in good weather...and in bad weather it's a bear, if posible at all!!!
3) Lee, I'm sure you didn't wish to imply that the NWS/NOAA's Ocean Prediction Center's weather forecasters aren't some of the most experienced professionals around!!!!
Originally Posted by leecarlson
The owner says he'll provide me with NOAA forecasts etc. by phone, but frankly I want an experienced professional.
4) Perhaps, passing on this
posting to the vessel's owner will help???
Fair winds...
s/v Annie Laurie