Thanks, all.
I do have a TIP, and will have my COD and Invoices with me (with six copies of each, including passports - I did learn something thru the process of getting my TIP - hours
lost finding a place to make copies). I now carry a three ring binder with originals and copies of all important ship's papers. I don't quite see how to manage going to the Office of the Port
Captain (originator of the TIP) prior to clearing
airport customs when arriving at 1800 hrs, though.
Good tip on putting a note inside the bag asking the TSA to repack as they found it. I'll even include a baggage inventory for them. I can only hope that no would be terrorist tries anything with a reconditioned
Yanmar heat exchanger and gets such banned before I make this trip. TSA were quite bemused last year when I checked a 70#
Delta out of SEA for SAP. Duty free upon much-delayed arrival, but that's another saga
Originally Posted by h20man
FIRST, before you bring stuff in, get a 'invoice' with all the parts listed.
With this, go to the customs office that issued you the TIP ( the Banjercito is the appropriate department) and they will prepare (for free) a special form... with 4 items per form of the parts that you wish to import....
now with this stamped paper and invoice you can then cross the border, and at the customs guys 'discretion' (if they believe it is really for the boat) you get your stuff duty free.
Hope this helps.