The Columbus day
regatta is one massive disaster waiting to happen. It used to be a great sailing regatta (700 sailboats at its peak) but has been hijacked by the MIPBA (Miami Incompetent
Power Boaters Association). However, it is very entertaining.
The holding at Elliiot Key is poor and the
power boaters with small anchors raft up in 3,4,5 and 6s. One night there will be a big squall and they will all pull..they might hold in 20 knots from the north but it will be marginal.
Last time we raced 4 or 5 college students were killed when a 30 ft go faster
boat ran over a 20 ft
boat, full of students, being towed. While the offending driver claimed the other
boats were unlit...that night was a full moon and you could read by the light of the moon.
My friend Thomas got deported back to Lithuania for fighting 5
water cops at one Regatta...he was motoring around the anchorage at 7 knots, naked and very drunk at 03:00! So if you go you will find it entertaining and do not expect to sleep, the naked bacchanalian orgy goes on all night.
When we raced in the Regatta we anchored away from the MIPBA
boats but ultimately
we simply stopped going to the Regatta.